Waffle and Writings!: The Internet is such a wonderful tool that can be so misused...

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Monday, June 16, 2008

The Internet is such a wonderful tool that can be so misused...

Today I went onto to Facebook to up date my profile and to see if there were any other Leedses on FaceBook in Australia. To my absolute horror I found my so called brother's son has posted a naked back view of himself on his profile. It saddens me that people treat themselves with such disrespect and when you are related (only biologically) it makes it worst. I think that his parents appear not to have guided him in the right codes of behaviour and decorum. I am very old fashioned when it comes... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: Well I am unable to make it this morning to my potential workplace! - New Entries - Next: Well back in the work force - very busy and have to be very organised..

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