Loosely Speaking

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Both epyllion and ... that other thing...

the one about taking a piece of art to the poetic place... The painting was a modern thing with broad swaths of dark reds and falling wings... A figure, losing the heavens... Maybe someone else recalls such a thing by artist and title? Icarus in the Sky Icarus, Icarus, foolish lad! It's the worst idea you've ever had and there were others I thought were bad! To soar to the stars, you demented bird, takes more than wax wings, or hadn't you heard? My lad, you have flown to the height of absurd!... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blogging For Dollars

I wrote this piece for my myspace blog, and thought you might find it of interest here: Blogging for Dollars Category: Blogging Are you looking for places to offer your writing in the hope of getting paid for it? Blogit http://www.blogit.com/Blogs/ is a fee site for writers of all sorts of content, even the naughty stuff, if you like. There is a strong social component, if you want to get caught up in it--you may well meet some minds and spirits that resonate with yours, find discussions of... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Poetry on a classical theme...

some time back I had occasion to research the Gorgon, Medusa--was amazed and inspired by what I found! MEDUSA O maid, you once were lovely, full of grace, and named for Wisdom in eternal female form-- Metis, Maat, Medha the names you bore... But the passing generations, reshaping and restructuring the norm, made you over as a thing to fear, no longer Maid, but monstrous with a deadly, stony gaze; Men made you cruel and cold and perilous to life in latter days, forgetting that the peril in your... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

There was a cobalt blue octopus in this dream...

but it didn't find its way into the poem. The part that did, though, really did come from a dream so vivid I had to write it out as soon as I woke up. THE WRECK OF THE FAERY GALLEON A sailor stands on a quiet deck in the still of a peaceful night-- He suddenly sees, like a cobweb-dream, a galleon of faery-light, riggings of gossamer, translucent and pale, looming up high to port. Silently sailing, as if quite alone, as if no more solid than thought: wonder and marvel, afloat on a sea as smooth... Sign in to see full entry.

Remember the Sidebar!

I haven't paid much attention to the sidebar in quite a long time, and realized a little time back that my People list didn't even begin to reflect the folk I read here. So I have been updating it. It is not complete yet by any means. There is no sense at all to the order in which names appear on it-- My Favorite blogs are due for update too. Maybe the whole blogscene needs some redecorating... I promise, no light blue writing on white backgrounds... No purple letters against jolly orange... Sign in to see full entry.

Movies Day With Charlie!

When he is home from school for a couple of weeks, Charlie and I have started a new tradition: going to the movies we've been wanting to see. All of them. On the same day. Yesterday we started with KungFu Panda for breakfast. Cute and funny, not a disappointment at all. For lunch, we messed with the Zohan-- this one will not ever be called 'too PC,' I think... Possibly not a good first-date movie. For dinner, the new Narnia movie, Prince Caspian which was colorful and big and exotic with some... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Check it out! I just published an article!

www.associatedcontent.com/article/802763/hit_the_highway_grandma.html It's for a contest on Associated Content--had one day to write and submit on the topic of anything of personal interest or expertise, with the theme of how this topic will be relevant a year from now. I wrote about a trend I've seen on the road, of mature single women choosing a highway-centered lifestyle. I'd copy it here, but not sure the contest allows that. Anyway, it's another pennies per view thing, so please do take a... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 2, 2008

post extraction poetry

I've been reading Teddy's and Troosha's and a haiku that comes from Naut... Let's see... there have been some bits roaming about my brain for a while, maybe they are ready to go walkies... Running through the hills The moon rises sev'ral times In a single night. Air is full of green... Pink petals falling, drifting... Gentle springtime storm. A keytouch away Other worlds and other lives Yet certainly friends. Sign in to see full entry.

Well, that was almost fun...

almost sorry that was my last wisdom tooth... They piped in sodium pentathol--knew that was the plan, so I told my husband to prepare a list of questions if he wanted to... But he didn't bother: It isn't like I have ever held much back... Troosha, your comment in the previous post is on the money... don't know about squirrel cheeks behind me, though--very odd picture, that...! Sign in to see full entry.

Speaking of loosely...

I have to go get my last wisdom tooth out now. Right now. I have put this off for years, and the time has come. Off I go...! Sign in to see full entry.

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