How the Universe looks from here: Mulled Cider recipe for Offbeats

By Ciel - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Mulled Cider recipe for Offbeats

Start with some of that lovely rich, unfiltered apple cider... Put it in a big pot (I like to make it on the woodstove when the fire is going strong for a while) and add several cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, cloves and allspice, plus two or three slices of orange and of lemon. After a while, when it is good and hot, ladle it into a mug and sip... Careful, it's hot! Let it boil down to make a fantastic syrup, or even further, to make an amazing, intense spiced apple candy! Sign in to see full entry.

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