Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In our economics class today, the professor asked us "Why do people [consumers] consume goods?" i.e Why is there demand? One of the students pitched in with the following answer: "To survive. We consume the goods we consume for survival." Now, that answer didn't only tick off the professor, but it caused an uproar and a stir amongst us students as well. Not wanting to embarras the student, the professor didn't label him as being "naive" or something like that, but he rhetorically asked him this,... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
After all the nagging by some girls and female colleagues, I finally read the phenomenon of a book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I know most of ya's probably read this book ages ago, but believe it or not, I just did! And sorry to burst your bubbles Venusians, but I think you would benefit more from reading this book than us men - and all this while I thought we're the ones who don't understand you! If only you would listen to what Dr. Gray has written and allow us men to go to our... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Resources and War
How many of you have watched the movie "Watchmen"? Now, people can say it's a good movie or a bad one or whatever, but for me, I really liked the dialogue of that movie and all the philosophical notions behind it and in it. What caught my eye (or ears) the most though, was a line spoken by the character Adrian, especially - and coincidentally - that that line had something to do with what the professor said in our econ class (and the things I've been talking about in the below posts). The... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, October 16, 2009
When the Going Gets Tough...
We all know the saying "when the going gets tough, the tough get going"... and quite frankly, it has been going very tough for me lately - with all the MBA classes, work, family, relations, etc etc, it's been going really tough for me; but I wouldn't wanna call myself "the tough get going" or put myself in that category, because frankly, I've been breaking down from time to time - both mentally, physically, and emotionally. So I say this: "When the going gets tough, bend over, give yourself a... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Continuation (to economic wit)
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one more thing (look at the below post): The professor also said this: "Economics is the science of common sense, but if you ask my students whom I taught for the past years, they will tell you it's the science of common nonsense." Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Economic Wit
We had our first economics class today, and boy oh boy was the professor witty. He started out by scaring the hell out of us when he said, "I know you are also taking financial accounting this course, but bear in mind that in economy, the terms "capital", "money", "investment", "cost" and so on are entirely different to those taught in finance or accounting..." He continued, "Money is not what you think it is, capital is not what you think it is, cost is not what you think it is, and if you... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Freedom is the end-result of many sacrifices." - Me (Aspire2Inspire) God created us humans with the given right of freedom. When we are born, when we exit our mothers' wombs, we are naturally born free people. Freedom is one of our very first natural and given privileges and rights; but sometimes that natural right is stolen away from us. No one is born as a slave, but during the course of life, sometimes that freedom is taken away from us and we are being enslaved. To get our right of freedom... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Gains and Losses
"Life is of gains and losses. It is gains what we pursue and that we measure; but it is from the sufferings of our greatest losses that we gain the most." - Me (Yes, I invented that quote, believe it or not; but did shakespeare say something similar? I dunno...) Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Good, Evil, & Fortune
"Fortune favors the bold" - Alexander the Great I came back from Turkey with a fake (temporary) tattoo on my forearm. It consisted of three Japanese characters. Many thought I have tattooed my name in Japanese because my name (both in English and Arabic) consists of three letters as well. I explained to them that no - it isn't my name; but it's three separate words: Good, Evil, and Fortune. Of course, everyone asked me, "why? [those three words]" I said: Because everything in this world,... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fish vs. Fishing
"If you give a man a fish, you will feed him for a day; if you teach a man how to fish, you will feed him for a lifetime..." Now I don't know who said that quote but it's great and I really like it! What's funny though is that when I posted it on my Facebook profile, one of my friends replied with this: (he's currently job hunting btw) "if u give a man a job he will have money to eat fish every day, if u give a man a newspaper and show him the job adds he will stare at them all day dreaming of... Sign in to see full entry.