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posted by Annicita on August 28, 2020 at 9:24 PM | link to this | reply


Still am unsure. The wife and I will be talking about various other things in our lives soon, and it will be discussed then. We plan two or three 'meetings' every day. They can last two or three minutes or they can last an hour or more. The entire concept of these 'meetings' is that we can talk about things that make us happy, unhappy, what direction we might move on certain subjects.

Perhaps, it is better stated that these meetings are a place to air issues. Nothing will ruin or poison a relationship than holding back on a small situation and allowing it to fester. We don't do that. These are 'emotion free' times where we deal in facts. No one takes anything 'emotionally charged' in or out of the meetings. Judy and I did this all through our marriage.

Lisa never had this freedom before, but her previous marriage might have better if they had sat down to just talk things out. If I don't know that Lisa sees a problem, I'll never address it. Same thing the other way.  As old ER staff, we used to have meetings to air differences. Our meetings never get as heated as those nursing staff meetings did, but they accomplish the same result. We care about each other and are willing to work together. Sometimes, she just has a question about the way things work around here. When we work together, problems don't develop. We have too much to lose by arguing and so much to gain by not.

posted by BigV on August 28, 2020 at 1:35 PM | link to this | reply

Which did you pick?

posted by Corbin_Dallas on August 28, 2020 at 1:03 PM | link to this | reply