Comments on Do you sometimes feel like you're living under a rock????

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I never watch the news.


~ Sunny

posted by Sunny_Delight on February 13, 2004 at 9:31 PM | link to this | reply

I saw it, and you couldn't see much............

I watched.  Actually my daughter [R] and I were out to dinner at the Lone Star Steak House and they had the Superbowl on.  I'm not a football fan at all.  My Ex was totally in to it, and burned me out a long time ago.  Which is why R and I decided to go out to dinner when we did, we figured we'd get right in!

Anyway they had the TV on, and were showing the Superbowl, and the Half Time show was on.  R and I watched in particular because we both love Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, so of course, we paid attention during their segment. 

Justin reached across and took this leather cup down from Janet's pleather bustier.  Yes you could see her whole breast, but the nipple was covered it looked like with a metalic pastie.

Later after the News blew the picture up, you could see it was a piercing, but that wasn't what I thought it was in the first place.  I thought it was a metalic pastie.

I think this has been blown up, way out of porportion.


posted by worrywort on February 13, 2004 at 7:44 AM | link to this | reply

I actually watched the Superbowl and didn't watch the halftime show. Figures, I get a chance to see a womans breast for free and I miss it.

It's been on the news since it happened. And the kick of it is, it overshadows a hell of a good game (and i'm not really a fan of pro football). The game came down to the wire and all I hear is about JJ's breast. She planned it because her album is soon to be released. Why wont people deal with that and realize that that is what they(pop stars) do. It's called publicity. Sheesh. And the news people are just going crazy over it. Getting their publicity too!

posted by SimpleMan on February 11, 2004 at 3:32 AM | link to this | reply

I Often Feel I Am Living ON A Rock!

Oh wait...I am! hehe


Janet's bustier (I just know I didn't spell that correctly) had a "malfunction."  Mr. Timbertree reached across Ms. Nasty's bod and pulled at the right side of her costume, ripping it off and exposing her breast--fully adorned by a nipple ring and a sunburst aureola frame.

At first they all claimed it was a mistake, but later admitted to trying to pull a publicity stunt.

I didn't see it, myself, but heard about it on the news and online.

posted by Jemmie211 on February 9, 2004 at 1:21 PM | link to this | reply

Don't feel alone on this one
I barely ever watch television. I don't even have enough time to blog most of the time. Justin ripped Janet's shirt off and exposed her boobs. It was all a set up though, and it was on national television. The things people do to get noticed is outrageous!

posted by Sherri_G on February 9, 2004 at 8:21 AM | link to this | reply