Comments on Domestic violence and critters

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There are some problems about the prompts. First of all, I'm of the strong opinion that the 150-word limit should be an upper limit; if I can say it in 85 words,  I shouldn't be penalized for a prompt less than half the suggested size.

Secondly, I can't go into too much sensory detail about domestic violence without alienating readers. Non-abusers in the audience will be so nauseated by that detail that they will skip over the rest of the blog, and I may be providing those readers with essential information they might need to intervene in the life of a neighbor who is being battered (or even a family member). Besides, I would skirt the edge of MA territory; much domestic violence is indistinguishable from certain consensual sexual practices. (In fact, I'm convinced that my former partner is using those practices as a cover for domestic violence.)

posted by kidnykid on February 28, 2003 at 6:50 AM | link to this | reply

*sob* for a couple reasons...
I can't watch those shows. They always make me so sad. I hate to see animals suffering.

On another note...I'm bummed you've not been doing the prompts. I've been trying to post ones in which you can work in domestic violence. Oh well. No biggie. :)

posted by Jemmie211 on February 26, 2003 at 3:35 PM | link to this | reply