Comments on Sweetheart.

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So sad about the kitty Tibby ~ but yes, when they're old they sometimes do crawl off to pass on.  Interesting about the worries not coming in 'ones' ~ it is like a web or like a chain when they start to come ~ This "black car" and I'm wondering if it's something to do with Dorothy?  like having you followed? hmmm now a tracker, a bug...and now this poetry ~ now that is Good, very good ~ You are quite the writer Corncrake.  and Penny, she always seems to soothe Arthur a bit eh? ~ Elyse

posted by elysianfields on February 5, 2010 at 6:52 PM | link to this | reply

This story can never end! I would miss all the pals I have! Loved that you put a bicycle in, too! And the end was so poignant, I did not expect it! That's when it is great writing for me, when the unexpected sneaks up on the reader! sam

posted by sam444 on February 3, 2010 at 7:14 AM | link to this | reply

Re: what a mess.almost as messy as my own life has been, once was...BW,

Kabu, sadly Arthur is like me he cannot tell lies, he can only skirt around the truth.

Procrastinating, that's a big word, but the dictionary tells no lies. I am trying to help Arthur prepare for his forthcoming responsibility, whilst watching my shares lose value and trying to get a poems into Word through my scanner without the expense of new software. 

I am truly sorry, but there is no evil in Dogrose,  we drowned our last witch 500  hundred years ago and I still believe that the large owls that skim the fields in the evening were mistaken for ghosts. A ghost wouldn't search for field mice, it stands to reason.

As an ardent gardener, I can't help wondering, did the potty go on the compost heap and how long do snakes survive if they receive love and care. Compliments to BW.

posted by C_C_T on February 3, 2010 at 1:41 AM | link to this | reply

what a mess.almost as messy as my own life has been, once was...BW,

meaning before Wiley. The only good thing back then was Boo snake. Her regularity of needing to go outside onto the lawn to go Potty every week was about the only thing to be relied on. Yes Queen Kabu potty trained her python.

I think that you are procrastinating here, not sure what to have happen next. so perhapsit is time for a list

3 women plus granny

which one will A. get serious with well not Granny and her potions of course. We must find out more about the Tower. and all the oddballs involved up there and lets find a couple of cupboard skeletons, something really evil.

Penny needs a few white lies to calm her down.....but I is your post.


posted by Kabu on February 2, 2010 at 2:52 PM | link to this | reply