Comments on After Months of Stalling, Obama Wants to Rush Troops to Afghanistan

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Re: Stalling, Obama Wants to Rush Troops to Afghanistan
Obama is a master of political circumlocution and his commitment to the safety of our soldiers (one of them our son) isn't truthful -- merely pedantic pablum for the press.joab

posted by joab3 on December 4, 2009 at 12:08 PM | link to this | reply

There are several erroneous statements in your post however I am going to chalk that up to not paying attention to the news.  I will however take the time to defend one of your serious mis-steps.  That is regarding Obama "stalling" for several months.  We are not used to a President who takes the time to think things through and seeks the counsel of others before making a knee-jerk decision.  But that really is how it should be done.  The decision to rush into war with Iraq based on phony information really drives home the point that before taking any action regarding something as important as sending additional troops to Afghanistan, the wisdom of others should certainly be taken into account.  Obama is doing the best he can with what he has to work with.  He has tried very hard to reconcile a badly divided nation with little success to date, but not for lack of effort.  There are some on both sides of the aisle that flat out refuse to listen to anything that goes against what they think.  In order for things to change for the better, we need to respect each others right to their own beliefs and look for common ground so that we may resolve all the pressing issues we face daily.  It is easy to go with what we know and harder to put effort into understanding someone elses view.  My wish for the new year is that we all try to be a little kinder, gentler with each other and learn from each other rather than oppose each other simply because of a label of republican or democrat because we are all still humans first.

Thank you for your perspective, and for allowing me to share mine. And though I disagree with your post I will say I found it well written and easy to read.

posted by liberalady on December 2, 2009 at 2:37 PM | link to this | reply