Comments on An experiment

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Ain't it the truth, Bro? When reading, I seek info, not interpretation duty
       I guess that my lowclass literary tastes label me a cretin, but I enjoy reading contemporary thrillers, history, humor, science, (both fiction & fact,) and my poetry reading falls into the tail end of my reading time, along with instruction manuals, tax forms, and credit card fine print.
        It seems that women speak and are far more fluent in poetic language, while we men converse in logic, and words that are carefully chosen to make our intent understood more clearly, than it would be in "poetic." We men got lucky!
         Does it also strike you that regular guys like us, are vastly outnumered by poets, women, singles looking for something (more likely someone) lacking in their life? We will probably never garner much financial gain or recognition by writing on blogit, but the friends one makes here, are a good compensation for the frustration of calculating return for effort expended. On balance, it is worth our effort and time.

posted by northsage_45 on March 7, 2010 at 6:54 AM | link to this | reply

Things on blogit work somewhat unpredictably, which in my opinion is part of the attraction of being here. You never know what will capture the interest of bloggers and what won't.

posted by vogue on November 7, 2009 at 1:34 AM | link to this | reply