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You are right about buzz words and their misuse.
Labeling anything "communist" or "socialist" invokes fear and distrust going all the way back to the days of the McCarthy witch hunts.  It's a black mark on our education system that a small segment of the populace still fears these labels when applied even where they don't fit.  Once upon a time in days of yore when I came up through the public education system we were actually taught to use dictionaries and encyclopedias.  No more, evidently, 'cause a few minutes with either reference would quickly teach one that the two terms are not synonyms.  Ditto "nazi."  In fact, nazis despised and feared communists and didn't much care for socialists because nazis were racist white supremacists who believed in weeding out all despised minorities.  Yet that hasn't stopped some right wingers from labeling Obama as a socialist, communist, and nazi.  Worse yet, some ignorant right wingers have bought into the nazi label for Obama.  Hitler would have had them executed for daring to speak such heresy.

posted by notapoet on September 15, 2009 at 12:55 PM | link to this | reply

Bush spent all our money recklessly years agao.  Obama now has to spend more money in order to repair the damage Bush did.  A lot of this is like what had to be done to get us out of the great depression.  In fact if you would for once actually do the real research on this issue, you would learn that when adjusted for inflation, the possible debt Obama is creating is actually not as great as what was created to get us out of the depression.  And if Bush woudl have been doing his job right and been more concerned with the real needs of this country instead of trying to start pointless wars, he might have been able to get ahead of the game and put some programs into affect that could have made this much less expensive. You really need to go and study history and look at the facts.  There is going to have to be a build up of debt in order to keep the country from getting consumed by the recession.  That is regretfully how it has always been.  And I woudl rather see us create debt in attempts to stabilize the economy than in fighting wars we have no business starting over seas.

But once more that has to do with facts, logic and reasoning.  All things you MACs dislike greatly and avoid at all costs.

As for your bizarre need to comment on my usage of the word childish, I am starting to think you might have some issues with that word that are unhealthy.  it is a good and accurate word.  I will continue to suet hat word when it usage it accurate, as it was here and has been every time I have used it.  In fact my use of the word 'childish' is much more accurate than your continued use of the words 'socialism' and 'communism',  In fact I very often wodner if you really have any idea of what the ideologies really are.  But of course I am already positive that you will not put your money where your mouth is and that you will still openly follow the socialist ideas I talked about here in this post.

And as always good to see that you 100% are unable to stay on topic or provide any from of real evidence that proves me wrong.  It really does show just how weak of a stance your views are based on.

posted by kooka_lives on September 7, 2009 at 2:44 PM | link to this | reply

Yeah, you making that comment really made me look so stupid...

Ya gotta do better than weak personal attacks to prove a person wrong. If you think what I said here was 'stupid' actually use logic, reasoning and facts to show this.  Or do you really have no clue at all as to what socialism really and are one of those who just buys into the BS propaganda you are fed?

posted by kooka_lives on September 7, 2009 at 2:28 PM | link to this | reply

LOL......We don't have any money left......
your president is taking it all away.... almost made was sooooooo close, but it overwhelmed you didn't it!  You just couldn't make it through a post without that ol'  "childish" thingy slipping into the scene.  But you get a tenth of a point for making it to the last paragraph!

posted by Corbin_Dallas on September 7, 2009 at 11:45 AM | link to this | reply

what kind of drugs are you on dude and if your not on drugs you need to get on em! you are truly kooka for coco puffs. STUPID!

posted by RITE2SPIN on September 7, 2009 at 11:00 AM | link to this | reply