Comments on How Great Thou Art...

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Gem, the history of so many hymns is truly amazing (grace)...:)
I still think no one sings "How Great Thou Art" like George Beverly Shea", who at 90, still sings it as well as when he was a very young man just beginning his career.....

posted by Rumor on March 3, 2009 at 12:16 PM | link to this | reply

Thank you so much for keeping the word going......
With each passing day it gets more and more discouraging.......our country is in grave danger,  i pray God has not turned his back on us.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on March 3, 2009 at 3:40 AM | link to this | reply

 He*s there for you in the snow too. BCA, Bill*s Cae

posted by BC-A on March 2, 2009 at 8:29 AM | link to this | reply

I really needed to read a post like this. Today was a rough day.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on March 1, 2009 at 7:05 PM | link to this | reply

My Brother-in-Christ,JesusLover saved us before the world's foundation! All
we needed to begin this great journey toward Heaven/Shalom is LISTEN Attentively - faith comes from listening to the Word. But you cpture how we break into song because of His mercies ...yes, those thunderstorms. Mine were South African apartheid, and the world knows the churches and peoples of the world broke apartheid down PEACEFULLY. I have been more and more thankful for this miracle. I wrote poems relating to this ... for the AMAZING GARCE HYMN began to soften my heart and made me accept I was a wretch, am a sinner, but justified by Faith in Christ Jesus. NO pryaer is complete without thanksgiving... even in old civlisations and primitve people's today, worship involves thanksgiving. Amen; and speedy health and recovery my brother, through our Triune God. blessings/Shalom

posted by ILLUMINATI8 on March 1, 2009 at 3:00 AM | link to this | reply

I think it is glorious to give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord at all times! I have few worries for I hand them over to the Lord! Grand post too! sam

posted by sam444 on March 1, 2009 at 2:49 AM | link to this | reply

God is good and Good is All

   Showers of Blessings        Salto Del Angel a quote from (Bloodworth,1952)  I was meditating yesterday and was connected to the spirit of my Mom and the essence of where she is and her spirit soul.  It was the most beautiful experiences I ever had meditating.  Late that afternoon, knowing the I did not want to go to the funeral home for her death certificate because it i s the final reality of the finality of the loss of her physical presence. I was upstairs with a visitor and the downstairs stereo came on loud.  I had 6 meditation CDs in  and the CD that came on was "River of Life".  I got the message.  Life goes on so finish what you have to do and live your life.  I'm here for you and will guide and protect you. We are always connected to Spirit and all we have to do is center and ground and connect and God then radiates from our Core Star; His Temple of Dwelling.  Once we learn the lesson of unconditional love and forgiveness as Jesus taught and follow in his footsteps, we no longer need space and time and become one with the All.  All our life lessons have been learned.

We then discover that we have been asleep in Heaven and One with God all this time and all we had to do was love and forgive and release.  We never have to return to learn life lessons.  Forgiveness Mantra: You are a spirit of innocence and Love, all is forgiven and all is released.  Repeat as many times as necessary to acturally feel and release. This disspells karma and provides Rochma (unconditional love and mercy and forgiveness).  We have never left our Oneness with God.  We are merely dreaming.

This is why as Sam's poem stated: Stay out of the past and create the future in each moment. God's love is so great and wonderful and beyond description.  Indeed, How Great God Is.

Many, Many Blessings and Healing skye

posted by skye08 on February 28, 2009 at 10:01 PM | link to this | reply

mayIi add great is thy faithfulness to your wise words. I hope you will feel better God bless you

posted by merkie on February 28, 2009 at 8:15 PM | link to this | reply