Comments on Potty training made hard!

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I was away for awhile and have not read you since. Sorry about this. It appears it is too much attention for him and you are caught up in a game of who can last the longest. Try paying no attention to his failures and rewarding him even if he sits there. This is an important point in his life. Who cares what other people think, he is your child, not theirs. Be blessed and I hlpe all is worked out very soon.

posted by Justi on July 18, 2007 at 5:30 PM | link to this | reply

Madam Shyness

This sounds like a very stressful situation, I really hope that things works out for yoy and your boy. I had one hit and many misses so far, and i really can't see us getting the hang of it, and i thought weaning was hard!!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience,.

posted by lindo on July 18, 2007 at 4:46 PM | link to this | reply

Proc sweetie, Hi!
I wish i could be relaxed, there is a great amount of pressure to train kids early here, so even if weren't for the kindergarten i would still have to toilet train Adam before the summer is over. Thanx for your comment , will drop by your blog soon.

posted by lindo on July 18, 2007 at 4:40 PM | link to this | reply

Survivor mum
I will try your tips, wish me luck.

posted by lindo on July 18, 2007 at 4:36 PM | link to this | reply

Sorry i am sort of tied up and can't concentrate on writing (or reading) anything serious. Hope to have a decent post soon. Cheers!

posted by lindo on July 18, 2007 at 4:32 PM | link to this | reply

I completely understand!!!!

I tried and failed potty training for months on was driving me crazy...when suddenly he went a wee on the toilet - he hated the potty...all was good until it came to pooing...

he refused point blank to poo on the potty or the toilet...he would hide and poo...he would ask for a nappy - if i refused - he just did it.

he turned four last month...he kept holding the poo all day until I would put a nappy on of a night.

I then told him - its time to get clean of a night...

a few weeks down the line - we still have had a few wee accidents...but going a poo is a nightmare - it gets to the point where I can see he really wants to go - I have to force him on the toilet - rocking him bacwards and forwards, singing to him and not making a big deal at all....then he does it...I tell him how good he is and give him a well deserved sticker...we still have to go through this nearly every day - but he is getting there.

I thought the dummy would be the hardest...but I bought him a new bed last week and told him that he has to give the dummy (pacifer, soother) to the fairies because he is a big boy in a big bed now and he did...he cried for one night about it and has not mentioned it since...

I can't wait for the day he says 'mum, I need to go' and just happily goes..

Good luck...I can really relate.


posted by _Symphony_ on July 15, 2007 at 11:40 AM | link to this | reply

I found potty training easy as I had no deadlines to meet and the kids were
relaxed enough to do it when they were ready.  It's painless if they are ready...

posted by proc on July 14, 2007 at 7:36 PM | link to this | reply

Don't lose hope!

Two of mine were buggers to train!!!!  Here are some ideas that you might try:

1.  Cheerio in the toilet and have him try and hit the cheerio with his stream. Boys usually love this game and it is an incentive to go pee in the toilet to get to play it.

2.  A chart.  Yah I know, I hate charts, but they do work...blah blah blah.  Anyway, try and set up a chart.  For every correct potty trip let HIM put a star on a 5 stars (or choose an amount that best fits you) he is rewarded with an ice cream trip or something OUTSIDE the house.  Even a park trip or something simple for mom but fun for him.

3.  I know this sounds ridiculous...don't laugh, it works on some kids.  For poo I had to tell my first daughter who REFUSED to poop in the potty, that she wasn't letting the poo go home to its family.  I told this ELABORATE tale of poo families (ok stop laughing at me!!  ) and she was totally into it.  It was a last ditch effort and it worked!  She then started letting the poo babies get home to their families in the sewer.   I'm either going to hell for this one or I need an award or something. LOL!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

posted by SurvivorMom on July 12, 2007 at 12:04 PM | link to this | reply

lindo, just dropping by to say hello. Will read tomorrow.

posted by on July 12, 2007 at 11:52 AM | link to this | reply