Comments on OK, so here's the deal....

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OK, Star 4,
I'll take your advice.  That entire scene sounds a little too frightening to me.  No kids would be running around, but the cats and the dogs might be dismayed.  Can't have that.  When they feel that way they often let you know that they are upset by tearing something up or finding that last thing you would want them to pee on and then peeing on it.  And my wife might run away, but she would be sure to run over me while doing it.  OK, Johnny Bravo, I won't do that.

posted by Jack_Flash on January 14, 2007 at 3:44 AM | link to this | reply

you thought I won't come back to read it, but I know you definitely write
some so I came .......if you take my comments to pillow, that day your pretty wife will run away, then the cat get it.....if you let those cat touch my letters, u are in trouble...i used to be allergic and now they are allergic to the cat will run round and round.....u are going to get spin, kids will be crying, u become helpless, so better leave my comments just in shape right here............u will be better off..........................Johnny Bravo

posted by star4sky5 on January 9, 2007 at 3:33 PM | link to this | reply

Star 4,

You always have something nice to say.  I'll copy/paste all of your comments into my ''favorite comments'' file.  Then I'll print the whole thing out and keep it under my pillow until a cat pees on it.  Then I will Xerox it before I throw it out, so that it can continue on into the Halls of Fame of posterity.

         JJ Flash

posted by Jack_Flash on January 3, 2007 at 7:51 PM | link to this | reply

Joe L,

Thank you Joe, I appreciate that, but now I feel like a blubbering sentimentalist.  I'm really a tough hombre.  Muy Macho, as they say.  A guy once told me that's how you attract women.  I believed him until I had watched him in action for awhile.  It was obvious that he was a closet queen in a cowboy disguise.  The only thing I couldn't figure out was whether he was trying to fool everyone else, or only himself.

I guess it doesn't really matter.  Entertainment value is really the only important thing.
             JJ Flash

posted by Jack_Flash on January 3, 2007 at 7:42 PM | link to this | reply


I have watched that thing a couple of times.  Well--parts of it.  After about five minutes of it I have to take off running.  That show has been on for years, hasn't it?  Every time I see a couple of minutes of it I go around for about a week wondering what the popularity of it has to say about the nature of man.  I fear it leaves me with a feeling of hopelessness.  Of course, a drive in rush hour traffic gives me a much stronger feeling of that.  Oh well.  C'est la vi.

        JJ Flash

posted by Jack_Flash on January 3, 2007 at 7:27 PM | link to this | reply

hey jack,you are so nice...put the cards on an album, make it a memory..

it's fun to have it like that, when you get old, just go through it and remember how lovable you are....

btw, now I am leaving a comment here, so don't dare to erase until otherwise you give that two cents back to me. It's my hard earning two cents leaving to a fellow writer.

posted by star4sky5 on January 2, 2007 at 7:57 AM | link to this | reply

Ahhhhh. . , so you hang onto the Christmas Cards that people send
to you for awhile.  That is sooooooo saweeeeeeeeeeeet!  You're the reason everybody should consider spending the extra buck for Hallmark.  LOLOL

posted by Joe_Love on January 1, 2007 at 9:54 PM | link to this | reply

If you're going for a role on a soap, try for "Days of Our Lives."
It has everything -- kinda like Blogit: drama queens who never learn, dead characters brought back to life after months or years, mysterious heroes who seem bulletproof, CEOs and corporate managers who never seem to go to work, all 100% "believable." My favorite Days moment: a 59 year old actress turns up pregnant, took a tumble down the stairs. Her big closeup in hospital, she raises her hand to cover her eyes -- and center screen we see dozens of age spots! They can nip tuck the face and do stage makeup, but the hands .. the hands...

posted by Pat_B on January 1, 2007 at 7:15 AM | link to this | reply