Comments on "Truth is stranger than fiction"

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It was thoughts like you expressed that got me started on this little piece in the first place.  Almost every so called original idea I've ever had has turned out to have been thought up by someone else.  I sometimes thing we don't come up with much that is new or original, but we do sometimes find an original way to express what's rolling around in our brains.

Thanks for your take on this.  And thanks for dropping by.

posted by notapoet on October 2, 2006 at 11:54 PM | link to this | reply

truth is stranger than fiction
Your little piece got me thinking.  I sometimes wonder if I think up new ideas or have all the things I've read in the past simply stored in my brain and I'm really extracting someone else's ideas.  Like the way you played with your idea.

posted by Mushka on October 2, 2006 at 11:45 PM | link to this | reply