Comments on Name Dropping

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I'm always interested in the experiences others have while teaching a skill.  I wish I had some martial arts experience besides the brief training the army gave me.  I was mostly a street fighter, but always listened to others who knew what they were talking about.  It came in handy teaching my son how to defend himself -- and he's ended up teaching his Dad a few things.  I like the fact that you approach your teaching with an open mind.

posted by notapoet on September 18, 2006 at 8:18 PM | link to this | reply

I guess it depends on how you approach it
I have learned more about martial arts as a teacher than I ever would have as a student.  I approach it in a way where I don't have all the answers.  And like the Poet said, teaching brings you into contact with so many people that are looking at it from different angles and you have to see their angle to answer their question.  It's been a great experience.

posted by SuccessWarrior on September 18, 2006 at 7:03 AM | link to this | reply

I had similar experiences in a variety of classes many decades ago at UNC Chapel Hill.  I would love to go back and try a few classes some day just to see if more of the teachers of all the required classes for underclassmen are actually teaching these days. 

posted by notapoet on September 17, 2006 at 10:13 PM | link to this | reply


I must admit, as I sat in a creative writing class in college, the thought, "If this guy knows so damn much about writing, why haven't I seen his name on the New York Times' best sellers list?" ran through my head on numerous occasions. Part of it was the arrogance of youth on my part, but another part was teaching was the best he could do. He was a bit too enamored with the whole "academia" thing, being a professor, a supposed scholar, etc. Had he devoted more time to teaching than being a teacher, maybe I would've learned something.   

posted by Talion on September 17, 2006 at 9:57 PM | link to this | reply