Comments on Should we fear death

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Afzal, "No time to edit your post"  That's quite a description of death. 

posted by TAPS. on June 8, 2006 at 6:19 AM | link to this | reply

Fear of Death...

For me It was the fear of the unknown and the finality of it.

Once you know what is beyond the veil, your outlook on life truely changes. While I do not "court" death I no longer fear it as before. It will come in its own time and that in itself is enough.

posted by white-cossack on June 7, 2006 at 11:52 PM | link to this | reply

i think fear is an emotion that demands something, anything...
me, i do fear death to an extent, but I don't obsess over it... I just think about it from time to time, like how I dont want to drown or get eaten by a shark. or a grizzly bear. I fear those creatures! Oh yes, and I fear itty-bitty spiders too! I am not a fan, but I do fear things. I think it is a natural human emotion. And death is such a big thing ... it may be hard for some NOT to fear it.

posted by DancesWithWords on June 7, 2006 at 9:54 PM | link to this | reply

  I think a lot of us fear judgement.  We fear God telling us "You could have done better. You disappointed me." I believe we fear having our real selves exposed for all to see in the truth of heavenly light. I've heard there are no secrets in heaven. Maybe we intuitively know this and this and it scares us to have secrets revealed.         Philosophy professor's Peter Kreeft's book 'Everything you wanted to know about heaven but never dreamed of asking' adresses afterlife issues like I've never seen before. A good, dense read.

posted by franciscan on June 7, 2006 at 6:19 PM | link to this | reply