Mmmmm......I saw the word "Anthropology" and accusations of racism decided to investigate as I am first and foremost in academic agenda a Anthropologist and my main study is race, gender, and ethnics. Seems to me that (1)  Certain individuals are using their color to cover up their own personal racial issues. Unfortunately there are just as many black people who are as hostile to whites as whites are to blacks, since what, the arrival of the first slave ships to America. But then history shows it was mainly the Christians and Europeans who degraded and made the black man a slave here in America, was it not? (And I will also state that there were numerous black tribes and leaders who cooperated in Africa to instigate slavery. How many people today recognize that just because a man or a woman comes from Africa they are not part of the same social structure or tribe or city or state. Africa is not a state, but a continent of many countries and being black does not mean each person there has the same laws, rules, or belief systems. Sames as America, Canada, and Mexico are not the same). Sure wasn't the Indian as the Christians figured they (Indians) needed to be totally exterminated. Kinda hard not to see the fustration. And no, I am making a general statement that there is now and will remain for many years distrust between races, and, not accusing anyone of being racist. I am stating that there is a historical, deep seeded and conflicting view amongst many individuals because of skin color that remains intact to this day. Many, bless them have overcome this wall and choose to live in harmony and peace, but, many still remain closed and to be frank Christiantiy has not helped. (2) The majority of so called Christians feel they are superior and even deem "they" are God's judgement. I watch a video of one of the big christian ministers tell a story of a poor homeless alcoholic who could not be saved, unless he the minister, gave God permission to save this man. I have the tape with this message at my disposal and became so sickened by the boasting, mouth frothing, power hungrey minister I nearly destroyed it. No, not every christian is subjected to this form of power, but the power hungry leaders of christianity in today's society demand "cult" conformity because christianity is being recognized by the majority of the population, not for religion, but a corporate monarchy. I guess that was why the latest national poll is showing more and more citizens are denying Christianity now. They see this hate and superiority that has polluted America sense the first W.A.S.P. came a shore and want no part in the "cult". I along with 1,000's of individuals have disassociated God with fundamentalist Christian teachings because of the inner turmoil, prejudice, and fear of being brain washed into hating my fellow individual because of a book filled with basically the same social rules that some ancient group of people deemed necessary to place total control and power on all people in the name of God. (3) Homosexual activity is as mentioned an activity done by the majority of lower mammals as a instructional and group socialization process. Humans choose homosexuality for personal emotional needs and not instinct per say. Again, its mainly the Christian community who attempts to shred, mulitate, and make judgements here.

Nice thing about visiting a home with fundamentalist christians is to witness the deep hatred and prejudice. Get a bird's eye view of the insane gleam in their eyes when they start their nazi speeches. Use my Anthropological skills and teachings to remain neutral and passive in their presence so I can scientifically study them. Have access to the propaganda they produce so I can have the knowledge to protect my personal self from their cult activities. Keeps my mind sharpe for sure. So, no, some of my best friends are Christians, (not fundamentalist  rabid type christians, just good church going people who do right by everyone because they do exsist), and blacks and homosexuals. I would rather know respect and be friends with all and be at peace with my spirit and only hope they will feel the same. shadow  

posted by Keshet on September 13, 2004 at 11:27 AM | link to this | reply

anthropology, biology and genetics
both show that homosexuality is natural -- other animals exhibit it.
Our ape relatives do too -- in fact, within the tribes, of Baboons, for instance, many subdominant males offer themselves to the dominant male for favors, much as you find in corporate boardrooms.
I have read the Bible verses that many people quote. We all have to agree that the Leviticus verse is moot, as we've discovered that much of Leviticus in moot. Also, the issue addressed is a kind of homosexuality that was extant at the time of the writings, which was not at all like the contemporary, which is a love between people.
We all see through glasses colored by our environment "through a glass, darkly (an obscuring glass, or mirror)". If we are to see clearly, we must make efforts to clean the film that obscures.
Those that refuse to do so, that fail to question their perceptions, also fail to live full and loving lives with themselves and those around them.

posted by Xeno-x on September 13, 2004 at 9:57 AM | link to this | reply

I disagree with Homosexuality, but it seems to me to be far, far better than Christianity.

And by you saying 'It is a sick lifestyle' you are saying you are superior. You know better your lifestyle is better. You are saying that everything about is better than everything about them all because you do not agree with their lifestyle.

It is possible to not agree with a person's lifestyle but still show respect to them. I do not agree with drinking heavily or smoking and I would never promote either. Both are legal. I can not tell adults how to live their lives. I would defend Homosexuality above either smoking or heavy drinking because homosexuality is a private thing that really will never have any affect on my life. Both heavy drinking and smoking already do and will continue to. In fact heavy drinking can kill me or someone I know who is not part of the act.

"WHAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IS THEY HAVE AN AGENDA TO CRAM IT DOWN PEOPLE'S THROATS BY USING THE LIBERAL MEDIA TO DO IT". Funny, I don't see it. Maybe it is because I keep hearing too many CHristians whining about how everyone is against them all the time. I see much more coverage of Christians acting like little children and trying to force their beliefs on others than I have ever seen of Homosexual coverage.

I not pay too much attention to what Evangeline says because her stuff does not inspired hate and violence. It does not promote the ideas that we need to take away people's rights. It does not follow very outdated and flawed beliefs that have time and time again proven to be the cause of the problems.

As for the race thing? WestWend came out with an honest question to P.I.M.P. who was trying to brag about how good of a person he was and all that BS. P.I.M.P. made it all into a racial thing. He was trying to use old tactics I have often had to fight against here and discredit a person's views by making it seem they were saying something that was never said.

You are too blinded by your righteousness to care about the rights to anyone who is not living up to your standard. I have yet to hear and real, valid reasons as to why same sex marriages are wrong. They hurt no one. Just because you think they are 'sick' does not mean we have the right to tell them they can not have certain rights because they will not live the way you wish them to.

posted by kooka_lives on September 13, 2004 at 9:37 AM | link to this | reply

the media isn't liberal
that's a tag the conpservatives have used to shut honest discussion of issues up.
liberals have labeled the media as puppets of the big advertisers -- the media is chained to the $$$$$ of corporate america -- corporate america owns not only the media, but the politicians, particularly the present Administration.

posted by Xeno-x on September 13, 2004 at 5:33 AM | link to this | reply


He is spreading a message of superiority in his ideas that anyone who disagrees with his views are wrong and speaking gibberish.

This comment can be used for Evangeline. However, David1Spirit and Kooka never say anything like this about Evangeline. Interesting double standard. Kooka, are you saying that homosexuality is good to fill our children's mind with instead? Homosexuality is wrong. It is a sick lifestyle. The fact that I make those comments does not elude that I am claiming superiority over anyone. It is P.I.M.P.'s opinion just like all of your opinions.Even though I am completely against homosexuals, must less same sex marriages, if that is what they choose to do, rather than following Christ, behind closed doors then okay. WHAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IS THEY HAVE AN AGENDA TO CRAM IT DOWN PEOPLE'S THROATS BY USING THE LIBERAL MDEIA TO DO IT. That is the problem and I could care less what anyone says about that because it is the truth. It is all over television all the time. This must stop now!

If Westwend did all theses things for all races then great. But don't tell a black man that he is not in touch with his own race. The funny thing is why is race the issue here. They are two men. Aren't you liberals always teaching that. WELL PRACTICE IT, LIBERALS!

posted by RedStatesMan on September 12, 2004 at 7:32 PM | link to this | reply

I disagree. P.I.M.P. is spreading a message of hatred by his views on homosexuals. He is spreading a message of superiority in his ideas that anyone who disagrees with his views are wrong and speaking gibberish. He is spreading a message of racism by the present argument he is having with WestWend, because just by his words he has shown that he is all fore using the fact that he is black to claim that he knows better than others. And most likely these are values he is trying to teach to his children. They are not true Christian values. They are not healthy ideas to get into children's minds. The thing is that P.I.M.P. does not see it that way, but his ideas are the kind that keep our the minor problems alive in our country so we can not focus on the real issue.

posted by kooka_lives on September 12, 2004 at 8:02 AM | link to this | reply

But isn't westwend doing the same good and "role model" type things as P.I.M.P.? Maybe even more? Lay off the guy! For most of us, it's not P.I.M.P.'s personal life that we have issues with. Or the way he maintains his family or his beliefs.  We know he is a decent person. But sometimes (many times) he doesn't come across very well in his rants. Although he maintains his life very admirably; he seems to lose that it in his "discussions"!

posted by David1Spirit on September 12, 2004 at 6:08 AM | link to this | reply

What An Answer!
Downwend gave an Evangeline answer to that one. The only thing you left out was how you were actually born black.  P.I.M.P. is already doing the best thing he can do for all mankind, not just black, and that is raising a family, providing a good education, as in college, for his children, giving them a good Christian home and being a father who loves and supports them. In short, he is being a role model. That is what his children will remember and past on to theirs.

posted by RedStatesMan on September 11, 2004 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply

thank you all for your support and comments.

posted by Xeno-x on September 11, 2004 at 5:11 PM | link to this | reply

I had my own "disagreement" with P.I.M.P.

This was during his famous "gay-bashing" episode! This cat always seems to be searching for a new issue or cause to bash or trash. And I think he "thrives" on the arguments. Well, he went double-barrel on a few of us. He even threatened another blogger with bodily harm. In the end he deleted all of his posts and comments; probably about 2 minutes before he was reported. Of course he permanently blocked myself and several others. His latest incarnation isn't half as bad, but still bad enough. I took a peek a few days ago and it's like you can see the "old" P.I.M.P. emerging once again. My advice is to just stay away from him. The guy has serious issues.

posted by David1Spirit on September 11, 2004 at 5:07 PM | link to this | reply

When One is Looking for a Conflict,
they will find it in anything you say. 

posted by Whim on September 11, 2004 at 4:43 PM | link to this | reply

Old Man

P.I.M.P. is an idiot and that really is all there is to it.  He has followed what I have seen too often of attacking in the most idiotic of ways when one has been more or less put up agianst the wall.  He is not going to answer your question, no matter what.  He will keep calling you names as trying to make you look bad, but he will never address the real issue.  For some people it is easier to name call and defame someone than it is to be honest and admit to mistakes.  He has now taken it too far to be able to come back and be a man about it and say 'I was wrong'.  But it seems like enough people here see through his idiotic attempts to discredit you in such a childish way. People who do not know you as I do, know you well enough from waht you have said to get an idea of what kind of person you are.

posted by kooka_lives on September 11, 2004 at 4:36 PM | link to this | reply

Pimp is treading on dangerous ground.

He outright called me a liar, although he did not go far enough to call me a racist.  I might be snide or nasty or rude or bitchy or question people's logic or intelligence or reading habits, but to call someone a liar, to defame that a published forum without supportable facts...very ugly and very sad and very illegal. 

And if Pimp had been reading anything you've written, he would see you for the great person you are.  He just can't admit that a "liberal" can be a better "Christian" than he is.

posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on September 11, 2004 at 8:17 AM | link to this | reply

thank you

posted by Xeno-x on September 11, 2004 at 7:40 AM | link to this | reply

I haven't followed PIMP's and your discussions closely, but I can't imagine
anyone thinking you're a racist.  Geez.

posted by Ariala on September 11, 2004 at 6:24 AM | link to this | reply