The Town Square: Is there a code of ethics/ professionalism in blogging?

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Monday, April 7, 2003

Is there a code of ethics/ professionalism in blogging?

If so, where can I find it?

If not, should we as a group have a town meeting and write one for BN?

On the one hand we talk about getting more readers [purely a business decision] and on the other we ream each other on the front page.  In my experience the two do not go hand-in-hand. 

Also, if one is truly offended or challenged by a blog, there is no need for personal attack.  All one need do is write a blog with the counter view.  Maybe I have missed it, and it is very possible I have, but I have never heard Dan Rather attacking a fellow journalist on the air nor have I read printed journalists taking their precious space to attack someone who holds a viewpoint contra their own.  Instead, they spend time working to convince others they have the straight scoop. 

If this is truly the first real free press, it might serve us to evaluate and adopt some rules of professional deportment.

I could take this issue onto the front page, but believe issues such as this should be resolved in this private setting without artificially inflating the position of  a blog's poopularity, somthing I have benefitted from in the past, or engaging in endless chat about possibly having maybe hurt someone's feelings inadvertently for days on end. 


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