Ri's Reality

By riri0322 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Pets

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I'm creedence-- cree and I am so laid back

Do you see the bulleye's tabby markings??? I love that!!!! This is the boy I am in love with!!!! He is too cute, and so easy going. Most kittens are loud and carrying on about anything. Not Cree--- he is like a surfer dude. Too cool. Enjoy your day. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hoshanna and Empathy--- too cute to be blue-- even though they are

Blue is now a happy color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they just the sweetest? Empie is the short haired one and Hoshanna is Fluffy. They are only four to five weeks old-- talk about a great momma!!!! AND a great food. Evo works wonders--- look how big they are!!! But Rev is even bigger!!!!!... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Is there any room left for me?

Tonight, bless them all because they knew I was tired. They were keeping my spot warm for me. Every time I would get up to do something, mass kitties would congregate to keep my spot. Then the fun part was trying to sit back down. When i went to go get the camera several of them scampered after me... Sign in to see full entry.

NO pics today, but I am home-- well -at work

Left my parents home at 5am this morning to drive three hours and get to work on time- as I had to leave early yesterday as momma needed me. But today I was only scheduled to work half day.... I am tired. But the drive was pleasant-- not too hot, no rain. I will try and get individual pics of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Figaro turned to Ash

This is a cat I adopted for my momma. His name was Figaro--- mom changed it to Ash. She fell in love with him, and he is just so sweet. But shy. I had told my mom to keep him contained to a bathroom for the first week and then slowly begin intergrating him with the other four cats. ( My father has... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Adora is Adorable

This is the momma to the circle of love kittens. She is such a good mom. Her kittens are big and chubby and FLUFFY. She jumps or climbs up my back to wrap herself around my shoulder and sits there as I type-- if she gets in my face--- typos abound-- but hey kisses are important. Sometimes she just... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Cerulean--- the biggest boy EVER

Look at his PAWS!!!! He is not even done growing yet as he is only a year old. We have had to shave him down twice as his fur is the cottony thick kind!. He was found as a stray-- but no longer!!!! Look at him. He is so sweet and playful. He loves to play hide and seek and grab you with anyone. He... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Come join us in the circle of love!!!!!

Meet Dare, Reverence, Empathy, Credence, and Hoshanna!!!!!! Aren't they too cute!!!!!!! Rev is the big boy in the middle. They do make me smile-- even as they were crawling up my leg-- reminding me of the important fact that I needed to trim their nails!!!!!!! Enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign in to see full entry.

Kittens are cute but oh so nasty!!!!! Was Dare Dared??????

I had just just placed the scooper down to tie off the bag after cleaning litter boxes for the first of six times daily (the scoopers get washed daily) and look what happened Dare was washed as well. I was only a little late to work as I had to blow dry him. And of course take this pic!!! Adora is... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bram, Reese, and RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This picture was taken on one of our last SUMMER days--- when was that again?????? Reese has already gone home and Bram is ours. He was a failure to thrive baby and after six months of working with him and doing all that we could--- he was no longer for adoption once he pulled through. But he will... Sign in to see full entry.

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