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Thursday, April 3, 2003

Preparation for life after college? What's that?

Not every college graduate is truly prepared to deal with real life, which tends to just happen. I spent four years supposedly preparing for the real world. I got a dose of real-world smarts two weeks after graduation, and I didn't need the BA degree I got for the trouble, either. There are simply... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 2:39 PM Comments (0) (link)

Marketing our sites.

There are those of us who are fearful of aggressively promoting our sites due to unwanted experience with other sites. Let's face it - marketing is not my strong suit. In fact, my idea of "marketing" is what they used to call it in the 1950s - it's an old-fashioned term for going to the supermarket... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 2:34 PM Comments (0) (link)

It's too easy for college kids to get credit.

It is indeed too easy for college kids to get credit cards. It was also too easy for scam artists to come onto my college campus and offer us less-than-satisfactory goods on the installment plan, mixing up "buy this now - it's easy" with "you need to break free from your parents." (We actually did... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 2:13 PM Comments (0) (link)

Vaccinations aren't just for wee tykes

Adults need to get vaccinated every so often, so set an example for your little ones and get that tetanus shot already. Many of us think of vaccination as being something only for children. Guess what? It isn't. You know that flu shot people get every year? That's a vaccination, against the strains... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 2:09 PM Comments (2) (link)

Animation for adults

Think before you watch animation - most of it is adult-oriented in the library sense. Most animation is actually made for adults, or at least most good animation is adult-oriented. Think of it. Specifically, think of the themes of many - believe it or not - Disney movies in particular. The way they... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 2:08 PM Comments (0) (link)

Why not develop your own list for a change?

(This originally ended up on Epinions.com when Oprah Winfrey still had her book club up and running. She has since discontinued it, and I feel that one of the reasons why she did so was due to Jonathan Franzen's open dislike of the Book Club seal that went on the book that was originally selected... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 1:54 PM Comments (0) (link)

Anyone got a cookie cutter handy?

Danielle Steel tends to focus on producing large amounts of material and the quality of her work suffers as a result. (Sound familiar? Think maybe that last remark might apply to this author AKA yours truly?) Danielle Steel has a habit of writing her life twenty times over. What I mean is that if... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 1:45 PM Comments (0) (link)

Really dumb migrated material

This may strike some as being a bit dumb, but believe it or not, it's not something everyone thinks of. It may not even be that widely known a fact. I first started noticing a problem along these lines when I noticed that I wasn't retaining as much fluid when I used regular toothpaste as when I used... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 1:39 PM Comments (0) (link)

Fido and fluffy and veterinary care

Veterinary care is simply medical care for your fine furry friends, be they canine or feline. This is the essence of my editorial. Anyone who has watched the program EMERGENCY VETS on Animal Planet knows that veterinary medicine has progressed from merely putting a sick animal down to reviving... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 1:38 PM Comments (0) (link)

Ah, Spot, how do I love thee?

I am a real fan of the spot-application forms of pest control. First of all, all the best ones are prescription-only, meaning that one has to go to one's veterinarian and ask him about getting them. This is actually a good thing, as the vets I deal with are less likely to be manipulated into giving... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by kidnykid at 1:35 PM Comments (0) (link)

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