Deep Poetry

By friskyinsane - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Friday, May 6, 2011

All I Ever Wanted

I never knew i could be this broken, helplessly broken I never knew there could be this much silence in me Oh! God its painful to go on this way I never knew i could be this broken hearted for loving someone so badly What kind of feeling is this where my heart does not understand that she is not mine How can i tell my heart that she belongs to someone already where she has given her heart away When will this feeling end, and get subsided, Is it madness? How can i explain my heart that you are... Sign in to see full entry.

To Kill

Thump. And she falls. Gracefully at first. Faster. Faster until she thuds upon the mud, cradled in a mossy grave. A bumb bigger than her first home grows upon her fragile face. I have crushed her. A rage more violent than thorns blooms inside me. I could not kill it. But they did not believe me. The forerunners of society. They are murderous. How could she crush this young bud of hope, joy, love? They want blood. It is quiet now. Here in my iron pen I write, faster than the wind. Trying to... Sign in to see full entry.

Burn It

Light the flame, keep the darkness at bay. Beware the night, take heed of those afraid of light. Worse than monsters under the bed, worse than monsters hiding in the closet. Behind you, they silently creep, waiting for you to sleep. Power hungry, they feed off fear. Pain is what they intend to induce, whenever they are set loose. Bars can't stop them, chains won't hold them. They on those who still have innocience, making use of their ignorance. Victims are left bleeding and broken, never to be... Sign in to see full entry.

Like the Foam

O’er this land I roam Eternally through sorrow Escaping thy ‘morrow Seeking thine home Pocketed tools, head hung low Stones kicked roll swift They flee thee as on I go, bereft Woeful and yes full brimmed regret Tears nay neither sweat nor dew I would shed existence for you Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fire Stone

Awakened by a flaming eye And blindness but for vivid red, I lie in reveries of light, Encompassed in this eastern dye And as the morning rears its head My feeling soars and wakens sight. Through windowed pane I fix my gaze Upon the solid forms of day; The flowing branch, the sea of leaves: No architect in skill could phrase The beauty of this fresh display For wood is dead but nature breathes Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

No Doubt

The scene in the range of my sight, showed nothing but shapes in the sky. Didn't wonder what they might be, all I saw was them being free. All I could feel was helplessness, for there was only loneliness. And I wondered if this massive void, will ever be replaced by joy. Miracles do not exist here, now fight for all you hold dear. And so I tried to elevate, slowly I lifted my own weight. High up in the vast sky, I flew, together with the wind that blew. Then I fell onto the hard ground, and here... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sweetest Fantasy

Although I wait, my body silent, still; I cannot call it patience that I feel - A still body belies an active will, And hopeful anticipation my real occupation is. These days that are weeks. I wait for you, heart as full as the moon. While active mind her white stillness seeks, my voice repeats absent Love's hungry tune. Patience, I am told, would some relief give, If I would but learn and practice the art; But in stillness, sweet memories I relive And sweeter fantasy o'erfills my heart. Soon,... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tornado Storm

Sons of Earth, catastrophic times, Vicious and twisted like a tornado And blinded by some 'sacred book', Planning destruction of the infidel, The non-believer, the unfaithful, Carry heaven and a harem of virgins In anticipation, in mirage, To holy war in frenzy Like a kamikaze pilot in rage. Menace framed, TV shrinks the globe Of evil cast, before eyes jump in jackets At the crack of guns and grenades. Now, fire lights the heart Where no heart is, the blaze of meteors Burns the desert sands And... Sign in to see full entry.

Clap it

A speech meant for eager ears was doing its best When suddenly a spirit of a bear stammered the speech; All ability was lost like the good and the bad acting together, I did not pay much attention to the fasting and praying, I thought at first, care became caring and also sharing But never did the lunch especially cause concern Except to the attention of the priests and clerics Who thought much of you if you ate your fill. Sinking back on the pillow, one ingested hated food And caused the tummy... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

You Fool

im a fool, I know its true hearing the lies and always believing you. it gets to the point, im dying inside bc the love i have is the only thing right. you say 'i dont remember' or 'i dont realize what im doing' but dont you get it? theres no one your fooling. yet still I love you more then i dare to admit i just wonder deeply if its really me who makes your heart tick so ill leave it at this, a question in the air do you truly love me? or will you keep this constant lack of care? Sign in to see full entry.

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