Afzal 's view

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

( I fail to reconcile with my first wife ) In spite of tireless efforts to keep the children of my first wife happy at the cost of my own misery I failed to give them the confidence which they needed badly. In fact my wife made my children arrogant by her day and night tutoring against me, she... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Random thoughts on 'Fanaticism'.

Fanaticism in any form is harmful and dangerous to the society. When the followers of any religion go to the extreme they can be worst than animal. They not only hurl abusive languages but also misbehave with their fellow beings.What they fail to realize that every one has a right to differ and have... Sign in to see full entry.

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

( My daughter cries whole night ) After discharge from the nursing home my wife and the new born baby was brought to our residence. It was big explosion in the locality. Every body started talking about an old man having a baby from his young wife. Many of them started condemning me for bringing the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

How powerful is Destiny ?

Believe or you do not believe our destiny is fully in control of our life. Whatever you are or whatever you could not be, you can say your destiny is responsible for all that.You may have great plans of life and you may have put all your energy for executing the plan but if destiny is not on your... Sign in to see full entry.

Autobiography of a blogger from India .

(My second wife becomes pregnant ) In the midst of all the tumultous problem I was told by my family physician that my wife was in the family way.I do not know how she conceived when she had some serious internal problems. You can say it was a great miracle for her to expect a child. The sonography... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Pilgrimage.

Devotion is the soul of all Pilgrimage. No Pilgrimage is possible without devotion. What is devotion? Devotion is the Truthful love of god. You may be a follower of a religion but you may not be the actual believer. The true believer is one who not only sings songs of praise for God but also makes a... Sign in to see full entry.

God and Humanity.

God created Man and humanity. He created Man in his own image. He created mankind to live in peace with one another. God is the creator of religious beliefs. He wanted man to be pious and kind to one another and follow the ways of the Prophets. Every age in the past has been covered by the teachings... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

( I start living with my second wife) Along with tension and separation from my first family I began to console my self with the new situation.Living in the same premises but detached from them was a tough task. I would very often leave early for work and return late at night just to avoid... Sign in to see full entry.

Random thoughts on Temptation.

Temptation is symbolized as a substitute of Satan. Temptation is the greatest weakness of Man. It is not a vice in itself but makes way for vices to enter our life. All weak characters take shelter and excuse of temptation. Many wrongs are accepted as a direct result of Temptation. Temptation... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 19, 2006

News of my second marriage spreads like wild fire.

My efforts to settle the issue with my first wife miserably failed. She could not reconcile with the situation. My sister-in-law instigated the matter and caused great tension in the premises where we lived. She rushed with my wife to the third floor suite of the daughter of the landlady to confirm... Sign in to see full entry.

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