aceblade's works

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Friday, September 10, 2010


long and soft hair floating across your back draw my eyes to you cliche' shaped like an hourglass touched with a color that only the sun can create as you paint a masterpiece for all to see what beauty is Sign in to see full entry.

seems like yesterday so many years ago hairstyles and gadgets we thought were groovy today's thoughts by a generation lost are those that we were from the stone ages yet a different time was mellow a different place I wish we would go.. Sign in to see full entry.

a show

roaring crowds in masses cracking buzzing sounds from mega amps smells of toxicity snake thru the air within us pa da dump!! sounds the drummer as the crowd cries louder sorrounded by blue skies above and a lone seagul flaps by never giving a second glance to the madness..below him..... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

euphoric thoughts splash cool refreshing feelings within me... my head floods with good times of yesterday.. a kite high above our heads, floating and dansing holding hands with the fall wind... picnic basket by my feet as the tall oaks and pinetrees block the sunrays which keeps our souls in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Barack Hussein Obama

I was watching CNN new a few minutes ago and caught an intersting clip. It was Barack Hussein Obama speaking out on a church that plans on burning the Quran. He went on to say that by burning the Quran, one subjects himself or herself to being executed (in some very harsh ways!). In my opinion, I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


traveling furthur towards the place where I sleep visions of beauty zip thru my head briefing my mind for whats to come... in the main feature.. Sign in to see full entry.

long night's sleep

in the morning air I saw a hummingbird busy by nature optical illusion is its wings furiously at work, though today it is still sitting on a limb eying its bright red breakfast from afar as if tired still from a long night's sleep I see its little brown body with a white ring around his neck,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

light at the end of the tunnel

As I walk thru this never-ending valley my heart stopped from crying my shadow stays quiet as I hide from myself so I seperate and dive into the pitch black-bellows taking one last breath feeling the numbness I've created...yet knowing that every inch I sink...if I hold on light will appear on the... Sign in to see full entry.

one day

My days seem dimmed since my soul cried out for one last glimpse and tho my mind screams and aches knowing I never will be heard I smile...nevermind.... I fly... in my sea of worry... Till that day my tears are gone and when your happiness is vividly reborn I will continue down this road taking... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dancing Lily VI

dansing Lily in the wind growing every day inspires LIFE of every sort for another day making mine more beautiful like a sculpture made of clay.. My Dansing Lily! Sign in to see full entry.

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