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By AardigeAfrikaner - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Religion & Spirituality

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Come with me

Come with me from the land of illusion Leave behind the carnal confusion Throw away the books of confusion Break the seals on you own hearts contrition Come with me... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Teachings of the Nazarene and the Essenes

The members here are serious about finding the truth and nobody tries to push any view on you. I think it is worthwhile to at least check it out. There are so many sites with this inclination, I wish they would all gather as ONE under the ONE GOD, creator of All.... Sign in to see full entry.


Good reading: "When the Iron Eagle Flies" by Ayya Khema: ISBN 0-14-019300-6 "Glimpses of Abhidarma" by Chogyam Trungpa: 0-87773-282-5 "The Bible" including the books left out by the various Churches, once you know what it's about. The Elm Tree has various curative properties in all it's different... Sign in to see full entry.

Job Almost Done

Thanks for reading my blog. I sincerely hope enough understood what it was all about. Sam444, I'm not a Christian in the sense of being a goody two shoes who are trying to impress others by soothsaying. I'm not even a Christian. Jesus was not a Christian either and so too none of his descendants. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Prepare the True Stone of Scone

The True King is getting ready to usurp the imposters. Make haste!!! Sign in to see full entry.

Time is running out!!!

The time for pleasantries and arguments with the living dead is almost over. Take heed, practice the Four Great Catalysts of Being. Seek help from anybody who exhibits these traits strongly. Keep the company of those exhibiting the fruits of the spirit. Shun the company of fools. Hurry, I've given... Sign in to see full entry.

You do not even know who you worship!!!

Do you who bow down and kneel before the statues and icons of "Jesus" realize who it is you are worshipping. A Frenchman!!! His name was Jean Jaques Molay, Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, killed by order of Pope Clement V and king Philip IV in a manner resembling the crucifixion of his ancestor,... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Want Faith: Buy it here!!!

Why is it that you always need to pay these people? I know someone who has bought a couple of the books advertised on the site below. She adores Joyce Meyer and even mimics her style of speech. Yet she is always in pain and frustration, doesn't have any empathy with animals and is constantly... Sign in to see full entry.

Compassion as the Driving Force behind the Boddhisatva Rebirth

The Boddhisatva who has become detached from the world of form and feeling is compelled to return to the world of human beings by Compassion. Being detached from form and feeling does not mean that form and feelings disappear, to the contrary they are seen for what they are. Love, Compassion,... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Nice Tea

I've just had a blend of Indian green tea and South African redbush tea with honey. Neither have any additives and both have various wholesome medicinal properties. I think Ghandi would have loved it, having been schooled in both countries!!! Something interesting from Ghandis' life: Quote:" The New... Sign in to see full entry.

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