Poems By Phasejah,...Life has many phases.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

" The Art Of Noise"

" What do birds do at the peak of daylight? "What do wolves do when the clock strikes midnight?" "What do you hear when storms are near? "What do dogs do just before they approach you?" "Whats the musical tone that's better known as a Love Jones?" "What does each question share that you here through... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

" A Blessable Piece Of Advice"

Do not worry! Just cast all of your cares upon the Lord. This will keep our bodies from lots of heartaches and internal soars. We are all here for his purpose and we must seek in him while we're here. We have to get it right because the end of times maybe near. Help spread his word and fellowship... Sign in to see full entry.

"Gods Love"

We are his creation and we must fight against temptation and any sin that doesn't cause us to win. We must also confess our sins and ask for forgiveness of the sin in order to win. Daily worship and prayer is what we should do to show him we care. We must also remain humble to keep from having to... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

"The Dreamer"

Do you have a vision? Do you have a goal? Are your family and friends worth putting your life on hold? You should stay focussed while achieving your dreams, Life is a journey so let out your beams! "Copyright (c) 2007 Zekia Young. All rights reserved." Sign in to see full entry.

"Secret Confession"

Like corporate is to wordily, you are my security. Like physical is to fit, we'll make the best of it. Fitness is in definitely not out, periodically, the time will show the true me and you and what we're really about. "Copyright (c) 2007 Zekia Young. All rights reserved." Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Who can replace what your heart desires? Is there a such thing as lovable flames filled with fire? What makes you so certain that you're the one for me? Do you have more to offer other than physical chemistry? When it comes to love nothing should be hidden. If you treasure life then your love is... Sign in to see full entry.

"Treasures Of Life"

It's thy soul that is worth more than gold. Just as thy blood that's richer than ones income. It's not heard to see that his breath overwhelms me. In case you didn't realize, his love has no disguise. No matter what the condition, he'll show all the attention. Then on judgement day he'll have the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"So You Call Yourself A Friend?"

How can you call yourself a friend? When he or she confined in you, YOU were out gossiping in the wind. Telling ones business, huh,,,that's what you do. You feed off betrayal, I'd be through with you! Your filled with so much envy and lots of deceit. Keep on,....... they'll figure you out and then... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"A Mystery Love 2007"

Embraced by your presence as you sat next to me. Inside there were glitters that no man could see. Our energy was high as we began to speak. Our hearts became locked while our hearts became weak. Shocked by the moment we remained calm, unsure of what was next we began to study our text. A few months... Sign in to see full entry.


How dare you sit there and tell me to be the man! Me being a man was not in Gods plan! Don't continue to be down because your dad wasn't around. Step up to the plate and quit trying to hate. Dont just sit at home because you want to be alone. Take care of your family because being a coward is... Sign in to see full entry.

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