Twelve Miles of Two Lanes

By PearTree - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Incantation

We slept in the desert, in blankets on the ground, under a sky so perfectly dark and clear, with stars so brilliant and unblinking that we should have been able to touch them; we slipped into our dreams listening to a hundred coyotes — or was it only five? — call out with barks of insane laughter,... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Spider and the Moon and the Dreams They Dream

Where I come from, the moon looks like a marshmallow pie, spiders weave tapestries depicting the birth of the universe and the beginning of time; dreams are remembered images flashed randomly like rapid-fire slide shows without any theme; truth has melody and harmony and the numbers one and three;... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Watch waves roll by and leave the water for waves to come reshape it later. I have a teenage daughter, and I love her; yet sometimes I regret that she displaced the little girl who climbed from wading pool into my lap, wrapped in a towel, looking up with eyes of love uncompromised. I sometimes... Sign in to see full entry.


Mist rises from the surface of the lake, Makes no plans, entertains no regrets, Remembers only the blanket of cool mountain air sliding over the dark water, Making home for the sprites and naiads created in the mist, by the mist, of the mist. But now the blanket is warmed by the sun. The mist burns... Sign in to see full entry.

On Puget Sound

Morning on the shore of Puget Sound: In the time it took to say, "Woa, look at that sunrise," the sky went from indigo to sapphire, with caramel corn at its eastern edge. The raccoon family finished washing their breakfast dishes, clamshell plates and saucers, then touched up their hands and faces... Sign in to see full entry.

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