Jimmy Rod's Best Shot: Stanford will have to beat Cowboys AND GWB red-neck refs, tonight! Watch!

By Tahoe_Red_Dog - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Humor

Monday, January 2, 2012

Stanford will have to beat Cowboys AND GWB red-neck refs, tonight! Watch!

This is a game our planet's present-time, in progress murderer, George Bush and his "bought and paid for" crew of officials, will cheat to decide, tonight. In any big match-up, Bush's 'love of the klan' will decide the referee BIAS. Per G-dub's instructions, the refs will "accidentally" call anything close in favor of the OSU red-necks. They will also ignore OSU's holding. Little (5'6") georgie bush has got all that hundreds of billlions he embezzled from us in his in his "swiss bank." You know,... Sign in to see full entry.

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