Thought that you would like to know... for Sunday, May 4, 2003

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Sunday, May 4, 2003

Affirmative action by percent? - Part4

If the Supreme Court rules against the University of Michigan in its affirmative action case, opponents of the concept say there are doable alternatives available. One alternative is the so-called "whole-file review" used by Harvard University which includes multiple factors, including race and... Sign in to see full entry.

Affirmative action fight decades old-Part3

The alliterative combination of words, "affirmative action," first surfaced March 6, 1961, in an executive order by President John F. Kennedy. The order required companies seeking government contracts to take affirmative action to treat their employees equally. It appeared next in a speech by... Sign in to see full entry.

Connerly future rests with SCOTUS--Part 2

Ward Connerly is waiting for the Supreme Court decision on the University of Michigan affirmative action case with extraordinary interest. Not only will it dictate what his future will be, it will determine how he and others look at his past. Connerly, an African-American, has made the fight against... Sign in to see full entry.

Affirmative action ruling soon -- Part1

Sometime before the U.S. Supreme Court recesses in late June or early July it is expected to rule on whether the University of Michigan's affirmative action plan is constitutional. The ruling is not likely to be clear cut. As Ward Connerly, one of affirmative action's most ferocious opponents, puts... Sign in to see full entry.

A Blast from the Past

Today is May 4. -0- It was on this date in 1970 at Ohio's Kent State University that National Guardsmen opened fire during a demonstration against the Vietnam War, killing four students. The incident inspired the Crosby Stills Nash and Young anti-war anthem "Ohio." -0- The Battle of the Coral Sea... Sign in to see full entry.

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