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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


What a fragile blessing, this thing we call "time". For we are ALL blessed with it. It is not just your's or mine. We cannot alter time, and in the moment it seems slow. So, we seem to take advantage of it. Then, it's gone before we know. Time is the only thing in life, that WE cannot control. We... Sign in to see full entry.

Guardian Angel in Flight

A true Angel of God, sent down from above. He graced everyone's presence, such a pure blessing of love. A blissfull spirit was He, not knowing what to behold. He carried the courage of an adult, yet he was only 3 years old. Though his body fell week, his soul grew strong. This sweet child of God, he... Sign in to see full entry.

"The innocence of our future"

The innocence of our children is wearing so thin. For their souls are becoming filled with corruption and sin. So many kids I see committing more crime. They've no desire to care. They love the thin line. For they are the future. Yet, we hold the key. As we are the teachers. They do as they see. We... Sign in to see full entry.

Beyond Exterior

Looks are so deceiving, never believe what you see. For faces can come in numbers, bringing turmoil unto thee. Always believe what you know. You will find it beneath the skin. Never judge a book by its cover, get to know what is deep within. Do not judge by one's sex. Do not judge by religion or... Sign in to see full entry.

The reality of a Fairy Tale

You're so very close, but yet so far away. Please, let me help you. Let's take it day by day. Each day I pray to God that he will watch and protect you. I pray that he will help you to see the harden truth. Snow White is ruling your heart! She is your chosen wife. This is no longer a fairy tale.... Sign in to see full entry.

Twist of Fate

The day I lost my mom is the day I began to die. Surrounded by hell,...no more blue skies. Drinking myself crazy, smoking life away; My life truely stopped on the 18th day of May. Filling up with emptiness, no reason to live. Just going through the motions, not much to give. Then five months later,... Sign in to see full entry.


Sometimes it just seems so hard to understand, Why, exactly, we are dealt a certain hand. Sometimes, it overwhelms, it just seems too much. For, how does one escape the edge of life's clutch? And the times that we suffer the biggest hit... will we ever reach the top of that bottomless pit? Although... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Natures Wrath"

Listen. Hear the wind chimes blowing in the air? Shh... The wind is coming with intent to scare. Suddenly, the sky lights up like day! A storm is brewing...... it is coming our way. The roar of the thunder shakes the earth! For tonight's storm begins its birth. My heart speeds up! It begins to race;... Sign in to see full entry.

"The Canvas of LIfe"

Let me paint you a picture, a life long muse. Just close your eyes and watch... let me show you the hues. First, we have white, the signature tint for peace. Imagine a world of serenity, what it could be if the fighting would cease. Next, I add some blue. The symbol of the sky. It's a simple touch... Sign in to see full entry.

"Sweet Dreams"

To see you just once more, would be the sun in all the rain. So, I will close my eyes real tight and let this dream clear all the pain. I know you are up above, so I pull a cloud down from the sky. I poke my head though, blow a kiss,... say hello, and wave goodbye. But before I say farewell, I hear... Sign in to see full entry.

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