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Thursday, October 26, 2006


MY MOUSE By my computer, a user interface device resides, Black and white, two buttons and a wheel, Long black tail disappearing into box of trons, This little varmint, known as a mouse, magical, With a move, click, wheel, I can weave and touch, All across the world wide web I go, hither and yon, Communication and information retrieval a snap, This little critter runs around and round in place, More than that, a brush with an infinite palette it is, Diagrams, drawings, pictures too within its... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

CHOICE He knew not where he was, He seemed to be in a pool of darkness, Just barely visible were two paths, Each was bathed in light, vividly, One whitely bright, other bluish green, He seemed to be drawn towards the white, Yet, he felt compelled towards the green, He was cold, couldn’t feel a thing at all, He moved towards the lights, not sure, There were suggestions in his mind of both, It really was not clear, but oh so dear, Then he realized, he was dying, cut down, He had not made the skid... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

DUTY NCO Ah, the pain of duty, once a week or more, Work, fight, train, maintain, plus the dirty duty, Mess, barracks, guard, head shed, watch, post duty, 1800 till 0600 hrs for most, mess and guard more, A tour of duty for noncommissioned offices, Very little work, some responsibilities in each, Doesn’t matter if sick or weary, sign the log you must, Then from time to time you are the man, The edge of the sword, its tip as well, For a moment, on small stage or large, war or peace, You are the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, October 23, 2006

DIPLOMACY Ah, what a word, diplomacy, an art form, The art of negotiating without hostility, Getting two people or groups to agree to agree, Stopping or preventing wars great and small, From kindergarten fights, to transpolar exchanges, A dance of words and nuances without offence, Any fool can beat a drum and wave a sword, Yet to guide divergent thoughts toward a common, This is grist of diplomacy, listening and communicating, Images of great conferences and learned men debating, Also though is... Sign in to see full entry.

NEW BEGININGS At a time in the course of human (singular) events a page is turned, Then there was what was before, and now there is what is, An accident, war, injury/illness, lost love, failure, disgrace, etc……, A break with the past, with viability for the day, hope for the future, In to the trash bin with the old trappings, perhaps a cherished few save, Boldly, timidity, or even dragged by events goes our hero(ine), To make the best of it, no easy task, new life, home, love, and more, No mere... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

MEAN PEOPLE SUCK On my wall there is a black and white bumper sticker, it simply portrays to state that "Mean people suck", While both the language and message might seem to be out of place in a office's décor, if you think then again it is not, The style is simple and bold, stenciled in stark black and white with no shades of gray in between, good and evil joined on a narrow plastic strip, Much like a fencing strip, paces fore, paces rear, hear the ka-pop of as the blade doth impact, hear the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

DARK CONTINENT, even in hell, there is always hope.....

AF RI CA Africa, a continent dark, yet filled with light, Place of much sorrow, cradle of humanity, Blighted by the past, and strangled by the present, Black for the land rich and fertile, vast beyond belief, Red for the blood of people many, spilled and wasted, Green for hope an d progress, growing everywhere, Colors of a land beyond time, ancient, yet new. In Africa I have known both snow and desert, Fire and ice, a Eden with an edge, wasted margins, Brave warriors, beautiful women mingled... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, October 20, 2006


S tarry Water Upon the water did we glide, the sun but a memory, No sound save the wind and the slicing of the water, Without power, only with gossamer sails move we, The stars above crowd the starry bowl of heaven, Each point of light reflected in the dark water around, Difficult it is to tell which the sky and which the deep, Stars of all magnitudes and shades, bright and dim, All dancing upon the stages above and beneath, So like our lives, often far apart, and at times an illusion, Yet, even... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

TALENTS VARY, OPPORTUNIES ABOUND............................

GARDENING Ever plant a garden, several factors critical, Location, location, location, sun and slope, Then comes soil, deeply rich, moist, fertile, Water, fertilizer, and weeding too, That leaves choice of seed, care needed, Then of course there is planting, Not to be forgotten is luck arbitrary, Taken all together, add necessary weeks, Bounty for the taking, perhaps you have, Or throw a melon rind out back, Don’t mow the grass, see what comes, Definitely too different styles of gardening, Now I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


GLOB A mass of something about the size of your fist was afloat, What it was, where it came from, no seemed to know, The entire first crew, gathered around, nothing better to do, It smelled, ugly grey, with puffs of green, and flecks of red, It just sorta of hovered in the main corridor in zero G, Since it was roughly on the central axis, no spin at all, Stuck in place it was, pulsating with the air currents, Even the station cat would have none of it, not even a swipe, Too big to blot with a... Sign in to see full entry.

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