the Psalms of Daniel

By AardigeAfrikaner - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Angel Sinnet

Azazel flew the coop with arms and blades mixing human soup there in the shade of Raphaels' dark dream for a distant healing with a screeching scream and hidden dealing as Enoch rose to higher ground in ancient crafts with whirlwind sound and dustcloud drafts still today is man an omelette in Azazels' pan Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


In me was sown a seed of discontent with the humanly given only here, sowing content with the universally given naturally present always bare perception to tweak in parody and paradox melancholy and bliss to find the keys the door unlocks that bar prisoners from just this right here right now Sign in to see full entry.


Many ripples have come about Stones thrown in quiet puddles Eventually spilling over the edge and running down Down into rivulets and streams Down into rivers and out to sea Changing the tide ever so slowly Ripples eventually change to waves Waves gather and gets spent on hardened shores Changing the shoreline slowly Some survive and keep on rolling Gathering momentum Forming tidal waves Forming a wave that none can stop The mother of all waves is coming our way She has grown tired of wasted,... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dying Heroes

Our heroes are dying in the hands of the short sighted Millions who have been crying the subject of jokes Open your hearts and not only your minds Draw up new Charts with ancient heroes to navigate the night of ignorance and deceit Let us together ascend in flight Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Little drops from the waterbearers pitcher are falling splattered like the tears of a whitcher scattered like the first drops before the storm one by one Until eventually they become the norm Sign in to see full entry.

Promethian Lament

The fire displays the character of being only to those who venture into seeing never understood by those who only use it to cook taking meaning in life to be present in some or other book Sign in to see full entry.

Seeing is believing

Seeing a bird in flight no bird no such sight no eye no light no awareness no flight seeing thus is truly seeing the Light Sign in to see full entry.


Oh! Albigensia how long have you remained hidden in the ashes of yesterday's fires or do I hear you whisper in lyrics, games and stories with a sometimes harsh cry of anger and sometimes soft lul of mystery your blood has not been spilled for naught we have come again to see you we have risen from the dead we shall once more walk the streets paved with gold Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Through the narrow gate

At first a faint glow a shimmering starting to move very slow Accelerate a little bit a quivering a slow release from grit Far away, a milkyway a gathering still faint and still astray Moving faster now a shuddering Closer now by sweat of brow Speeding into the vortex of time a hastening No time now left for mime Bursting into the brilliant light A Shattering Collision of interests and a chaotic plight Freefall without drive a swirling overload the Five The One remains a lightening of elder... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

To give without gain

We are all free to see who is in need and who not and we should throw in our lot There is no end to suffering in life while there is hunger and strife since we are all in it as one not until the last is set free are we done hope is not easy in the midst of a fire when people are led by a liar one day we will all see just how free all can be until then we cannot refrain from giving more than we gain Sign in to see full entry.

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