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Monday, September 7, 2020

Rain finally stopped

The rain has finally stopped but we still have all the water. The weather is reporting tomorrow it will be hot and humid. I wonder with all this rain if the temps will change. I certainly hope so because I've been enjoying the low humidity. Our high is supposed to reach 87 and then it's supposed to... Sign in to see full entry.

Rain, Rain, Rain

We've got rain coming down like I've never seen before. The front and back yard are starting to flood. The water is clear up to where the play yard was before we took it down. We just got a call from our Emergency system in the village. They are starting to close the roads because they are all... Sign in to see full entry.

Labor Day

I want to wish everyone a peaceful and loving day! I think it's more important than ever to have peace. 2020 has put us all through more than what we ever thought possible. At the beginning of the year I'm sure we all had hopes and dreams for the New Year. We never dreamed that COVID would come on... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Good Evening

It's been a long day! We ended up going to Target but they didn't have my chili lime seasoning so when we go to the grocery store tomorrow I'm going to look for it. Sassy reminded me about red pepper flakes so I'm going to try to find them too. If I can't find it there I'm going to take Corbin's... Sign in to see full entry.

Out and About on Sunday morning

We left home early and went in search of my Chili Lime seasoning. I went through all the seasonings at Wal-Mart and couldn't find it. I did get lucky though and found my parsley and as luck would have it I found Organic turmeric. We only paid $1.98 for turmeric so I was very happy about that. The... Sign in to see full entry.

Early Sunday morning

I love to watch the kitchen on the Food Network and Sunday morning is when I catch up on yesterday's show. They shared a recipe on using Chili Lime seasoning. I'm wondering if anybody has tried it? I think I'm going to try to find it in the store this morning. I think it may be really good in some... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Labor Day weekend

The weather has been so nice today. I absolutely love it. My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson went for a bike ride. I think it was a nice day to do it because of the cooler temperatures. They just got back and there were no incidences. I'm thankful for that. A few weeks ago Caeser fell off the... Sign in to see full entry.

Our Saturday Adventure

We had a nice adventure this morning. We made it out to Middlefield in record time. We were lucky we left early because for a Saturday there wasn't much traffic on the road. Once we got into town there were Amish buggies everywhere. We take our truck when we venture far from home and I'm a bit leery... Sign in to see full entry.

Early Saturday morning

It's just after 6 a.m. and I've been up for about an hour. We are going to Middlefield this morning. At least once a month we make a trip to the cheese factory to stock up on cheese. My family loves cheese and it's less expensive if we buy it at the factory. I like to see the different types of... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday night in the city

It's starting to get chilly tonight. I can't seriously believe I'm saying that after the heat of the summer. We will have to shut the windows before long so the house is not cold when we wake up in the morning. My grandson Caeser is here for the weekend. I always love it when he comes to stay. He is... Sign in to see full entry.

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