Learn Guitar & Play with Passion!
- Feb 24, 2010
Learn to Play Guitar with Spirit and Passion! - Many who plan to learn to...
- Popularity rank: 1643
Portals to the Heart - Poetry of the Soul
- Jan 14, 2010
Primitive Boy - Wrote this on coming out - probably around 1997 (won't say...
- Popularity rank: 1719
by Steve_Slimm13,722 words, book
65-page e-Book. From personal experience of extreme financial distress and anxiety to a peaceful and blessed life. This is one of the most useful self-help e-books around on the internet. It is full of both spiritual and practical insights.
I wrote this ebook over a period of 18 months ending early in 2007. As with most works of this nature, it was initially a journey of self-discovery, and piecing together a number of concepts I had been contemplating for a few years. Since writing the book, my own situation has improved beyond expectation, and I now experience a totally different feeling about what I’m doing in my life-about-getting-money. On reflection, the ideas and information flowed in such a way that I was forced first to...