Member Profile for Clarajolie


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Member Since:

February 12, 2013
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Back Door Man (1980 - 1982) - Apr 23, 2013
The Bellman, con't - one day, we were washing the dishes together and...
Single Life - Popularity rank: 817

My Life as a Teenage Prostitute - Apr 22, 2013
(Entries hidden - blog rated MA)
Mature Audiences - Popularity rank: 818

Creamy Clothes - Apr 9, 2013
Dressed for Success - this is a game on app part of my phone where you...
Fashion & Style - Popularity rank: 821

anti-garden & house witch - Mar 24, 2013
spring begins NOW, but not for some of us - just a hasty look at my back...
Home & Garden - Popularity rank: 830

Those Dingy Little Things
(No entries)
Everything Else


Fruit Crush, refreshing drink - Apr 10, 2013

by Clarajolie109 words, recipe

satisfiy a deep thurst. an easy to make homemade fruit punch.

Buy now $0.50


Fruit Crush an old fashion fruit drink made by hand, and can be made with organic juices and ginger ale.

Dinette Cake with Glaze - Apr 10, 2013

by Clarajolie141 words, recipe

a little homemade cake, glazed. homemade cake, glazed, just right for 2.

Buy now $0.50


a fresh, homemade cake, quickly made up from scratch, just right with coffee or tea

Frosted Lemon Cookies - Apr 10, 2013

by Clarajolie99 words, recipe

Old fashion lemon cookies. lemon cookies with lemon frosting. an old family receipe.

Buy now $0.50


very light and melt in your mouth taste