Back Door Man (1980 - 1982)
- Apr 23, 2013
The Bellman, con't - one day, we were washing the dishes together and...
Single Life
- Popularity rank: 817
My Life as a Teenage Prostitute
- Apr 22, 2013
(Entries hidden - blog rated MA)
Mature Audiences
- Popularity rank: 818
Creamy Clothes
- Apr 9, 2013
Dressed for Success - this is a game on app part of my phone where you...
Fashion & Style
- Popularity rank: 821
anti-garden & house witch
- Mar 24, 2013
spring begins NOW, but not for some of us - just a hasty look at my back...
Home & Garden
- Popularity rank: 830
Those Dingy Little Things
(No entries)
Everything Else
by Clarajolie109 words, recipe
satisfiy a deep thurst. an easy to make homemade fruit punch.
Fruit Crush an old fashion fruit drink made by hand, and can be made with organic juices and ginger ale.
by Clarajolie141 words, recipe
a little homemade cake, glazed. homemade cake, glazed, just right for 2.
a fresh, homemade cake, quickly made up from scratch, just right with coffee or tea
by Clarajolie99 words, recipe
Old fashion lemon cookies. lemon cookies with lemon frosting. an old family receipe.
very light and melt in your mouth taste