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Re: Re:

I usually can't proofread at all....especially on my own posts.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on August 23, 2019 at 7:22 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Nice intro.

Thank you. Now to weave it into a story.

posted by BigV on August 23, 2019 at 6:26 AM | link to this | reply


You are correct. Thank you!

My fingers often get far ahead of my brain.

This is a project story for my '1000 to 10,000' anthology book that I will begin to work on in the background for a bit when I hit dry spells on my Hemingway project and it will become a main project soon. What chapter it will be remains to be seen.

I'm reordering my attention on several things, trying to make it so I am working on two 'easy' projects and only one that requires a lot of thought processing. I already know where this story is headed, so it shouldn't take long.

posted by BigV on August 23, 2019 at 6:20 AM | link to this | reply

I am looking forward to this...

In your intro, I may be reading this wrong...

He had friends who thought they knew them, but in reality, the only folks who did know him are dead.

should that be "they knew him"??

posted by Corbin_Dallas on August 23, 2019 at 5:13 AM | link to this | reply

Nice intro.

posted by Pat_B on August 23, 2019 at 4:02 AM | link to this | reply