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Oops, sorry Naut...
I just mistakenly posted on your blog a comment for Bhaskar, please delete it and I shall repost it on Bhaskar's blog..I guess a living proof of how silly this is getting :) apologies! - Ash

posted by ash_pradhan on May 25, 2009 at 8:30 PM | link to this | reply

Bhaskar, my well-respected friend...

I think I have a better understanding now of how this unfortunate "miscommunication" developed! I shall reproduce below what I just posted on dear Naut's blog, as it is intended for both of you wise gentlemen and to all your well-wishers:

I can see both points of view, and no, this is not a contest. It's possible that unintentional errors were made by one or both sides, but it's obvious that on both sides feelings are hurt, and perhaps rightfully so, and is even beginning to spill over on others. That is hardly worth the agony of continuing this whatever it is. So please allow me to sincerely request everyone to cease & desist immediately. Even better would be to forgive without judgment, erase this from your memories, possibly from your blogs, and go on living with your lives contributing to the betterment of the world without any sense of being wronged. Best wishes,

posted by ash_pradhan on May 25, 2009 at 8:20 PM | link to this | reply



It's never easy to speak about these kind of matters especially when it deals with matters people would wish were different.

Thanks for your honesty and openness, and I appreciate that you didn't intend to go public. A pity that it was played out as it was.

magic moon's comment spoke about putting love before facts. To  magic_moon I say it's not facts that are at issue but truth.   Reproducing the words of others without acknowledgment to the author is not truth.  Defending a friend is honorable but helping him to see and  correct his error is the greater gift of love.

posted by Azur on May 25, 2009 at 6:29 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Naut.....
I hope that there is no progression and that no more needs to be said - as a researcher I know how easy it is to paste in notes when you are writing a paper and the danger there (as some first years learn) is that you can forget that it wasn't your words, if you don't remember to include the citation.  For that reason, most of my 'gathering' of information is done with paper and pencil. Technology can be a good friend but a willing enemy too.  Just offering another perspective.


posted by mneme on May 25, 2009 at 5:52 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: magic_moon , pranams, big bro/ Ash P
...bhaskar, i will take the liberty of speaking as though i speak for all...meaning that i will use the term "we"...and i do think that i can speak for many here when i say, we see you through the eyes of discerns truth, beauty, virtue that science will never 'measure'...i'm a lawyer...that means that i will never be won over by law, in science, in reason...there is always another argument, a competing viewpoint, a different perspective...there is never a resolution to argumenation...let whoever is so inclined parade forth whatever 'facts', whatever 'proof' they may have...none of that is only knows truth...that is the only knows truth...all else is a waste of time...moon

posted by magic_moon on May 25, 2009 at 2:24 PM | link to this | reply

I have known you ever since you came to Blogit.........I am proud to think of you as a friend.   I have never know you to make a rash statement or exhibit less than stellar judgment  when participating in this community. 

I know you stand by what you believe in  tenaciously........

I trust all of this will become clearer as things unfold with the progression of this situation.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on May 25, 2009 at 1:14 PM | link to this | reply

Re: magic_moon , pranams, big bro/ Ash P
Leela it is, magic M, and Ash, what a gem you are! You two tell me and I'll opt out of the fight. No explanations, no questions asked, no love lost. I'll forego victory and accept being vanquised, unconditionally. Thank you, the two of you, from the bottom of my heart.

posted by on May 25, 2009 at 12:13 PM | link to this | reply

...departing from silence ever so briefly only to is all leela...imho...moon

posted by magic_moon on May 25, 2009 at 11:04 AM | link to this | reply

Naut & Bhaskar...
I'm surprised and pained at this blowing outa proportion of a minor contention by both of you higly learned gentlemen. What example does it set for the rest of us? Please find it within your big hearts to resolve this expeditiously outside this forum and both sides please move on and continue to share your wisdom. - Ash 

posted by ash_pradhan on May 25, 2009 at 10:26 AM | link to this | reply

I am surprised this has been pushed to public forum as well! I admire both you guys! I, too, am interested in Bhaskar's response! Shelly

posted by sam444 on May 25, 2009 at 8:59 AM | link to this | reply

 I truly hope this question or dispute sorts itself out as both of you are brilliant writers.  Bhaskar doesn’t’ need to plagiarize as he has a gift for writing. I have always enjoyed his critiques on some of the wonderful works many of us may not have read.  I know he expands my reading horizons.  But that aside, I am surprised that he has chosen a public forum to explore your observation.  I take no sides but I will be interested to read his response.     

posted by Troosha on May 25, 2009 at 8:16 AM | link to this | reply

What a have a rare opportunity to sit and read and open up to this first!  I would say the proof you provided speaks for itself in terms of whatever this argument is.  As for whether it was an honest oversight or a habit only Bhaskar knows....I prefer to believe it an honest oversight.  From what I've read of his, he certainly has no reason to plagerize from lack of talent himself.  I think it such a shame when these things erupt and I really have no idea how this one did.  We are adults here and there is room for everyone, even in disagreements.  Hopefully, this will simply blow over along with any talk of someone leaving over is far too short for silliness that doesn't make us laugh.

posted by Krisles on May 25, 2009 at 7:57 AM | link to this | reply