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Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters!
Just don't cross the beams!

posted by cpklapper on December 8, 2008 at 12:59 PM | link to this | reply

You can ask them to go away.
You might want to do some research and make sure your condo wasn't built on an Indian burial ground.  You can ask for your Guides and Angels to be present then ask the spirits to be guided over to the other side where they can be showered with and connected to Love where they can be helped to be positive energies and learn how to be Guides and Angels for others.  Burning White Sage also helps to keep negative spirits away.  I had a negative entity attached to me last year and it caused a lot of mischieve in my life until I had him removed.  Also always ask (pray) to the Universe(God) that Sucky and you and your husband and Condo are surrounded by a protective white light. No, I'm not into witchcraft, I'm into Spirit and connection to the All.

posted by skye08 on December 6, 2008 at 7:51 PM | link to this | reply

It's also happening here in my one room apartment at Kolkata ..

posted by afzal50 on December 5, 2008 at 3:09 AM | link to this | reply

Ah, what's a little ectoplasm amongst friends...

posted by strat on December 4, 2008 at 4:59 AM | link to this | reply

We probably have a mouse in our house because an inordinate number
of things get knocked over or off of stuff when I'm out of the room. Time to put some fresh mouse-traps under cabinets. Peanut butter is the best bait. I wonder what that black stuff was?

posted by WindTapper on December 4, 2008 at 2:13 AM | link to this | reply

This reminds my when Eddie Murphy move in the house and the ghost say move!
Eddie said If I have to move I'll burn it down and he said he never heard from the ghost again. Great poem.

posted by Mystereo on December 3, 2008 at 10:19 PM | link to this | reply

Fledgeling Phoenix
Sounds like moving out time to me luv. LOL

posted by WileyJohn on December 3, 2008 at 10:10 PM | link to this | reply

If you go to church i would talk to the priest, though I have had good luck with wind chimes at both doors and sea salt...Take care cuz things like this can get out of hand if you don't handle it with care...I have been to some spooky places and something followed a couple family members home...The presence was asked to leave and things have been a ton better...My daughter to spending a couple nights in that house had some horrible dreams and woke with fright..but things can be calmed down if you have questions email me. Oh and thank you so much for the great comment on my poetry blog.

posted by Wigopa_ on December 3, 2008 at 7:27 PM | link to this | reply

Oh my goodness! I think if they meant to harm it would have happened by now! I would be uneasy like you though! Good luck on this one! sam

posted by sam444 on December 3, 2008 at 6:23 PM | link to this | reply

I'm glad that my "haunting" is over and done.

posted by TAPS. on December 3, 2008 at 5:33 PM | link to this | reply

Glad I read you today. It very well could be a ghost or spirit. Don't be afraid, though. If they wanted to scare you or harm you in anyway, you'd know it. Keep in mind, for ghosts (souls that have not crossed over) consider us (the living) the ghosts in THEIR world. Is the house old? If not, it could be the land it was built upon. I see that all the time. If it is a spirit (a soul that has crossed over but is "visiting" our realm) it could be a relative that has passed away. Probably either trying to "tell" you they are there and/or checking in on you and Sucky! Try to think of all the little things that are happening. Like, certain smells, certain items being the mustard or the tea. If you are open to it, you'll understand it more. Let me know if I can help. (I do this stuff!)

posted by SpitFire70 on December 3, 2008 at 5:29 PM | link to this | reply

I've had similar experiences in my home.
If the occurrences don't abate, you might want to consider consulting with a paranormal investigator. There are reputable ones who do it for free. Hell, call TAPS(not the blogger), the ones on TV aka Ghost Hunters. Or, if you're religious, consult your pastor or priest.
Such disturbances can be so distracting and yes....scary.
Good luck!

posted by metalrat on December 3, 2008 at 3:23 PM | link to this | reply