The Town Square

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

in memory of...

In the Wake of….Virginia Tech University

A special prayer for the parents of Virgina Tech

In the wake of the tragedy at Tech that resulted in the pointless loss of many innocent lives within its community I would like to extend my deepest and most heartfelt prayers, and thoughts to the friends and family members who are grieving. There is no loss greater than the loss of a child, this is a pain that I know very well, it takes the air from your lungs and leaves you gasping in disbelief. I understand loss better than most parents, and extend my heart to the parents in the wake of this horrible tragedy, there are simply no words to comfort you but please know that I am thinking of you. My daughter and I have been seperated for the last seven years, not by death, but by ignorance and the death of this vital relationship has nearly killed me many times over. I have many times wished to brush her hair before bed or tell her a story, or enjoy a moment that is a rare treasure between a parent and a child. To you I can only say this the pain passes, and with each passsing day your loss will reshape itself. You will become better people believe it or not, I know you do not believe this now, and I would have never believed it either, but I have survived the loss and grieving of my child now for the last seven years, and I tell you that it has made me a stronger woman. It was not easy at first, and I caution you to take extra good care of yourselves at this tragic time. Please remember to turn your thoughts to God, and ask Him to take away your pain and anger, and if you are able please ask for Gods help to forgive the person who brought this pain into your family. I know this will be difficult to do, it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but once I asked God to fogive those people who have harmed the tender relationship between me and my child the healing began. Now, looking back I realize that I suffered the most durring the times I was unable to ask for forgiveness for those people. In the aftermath, of such a loss as yours please know that there is a power a loving power that will comfort you, He is ready to comfort you when you are ready to ask. I know this will seem so small a message to you now, and I wish I had more to give, but I share with you from experience. My experience is that when you ask for the forgiveness of the person who has brought harm to your child, that you as a parent can forgive yourself for not being able to protect them from this tragedy. May the peace of the Lord be with you, and may you know that your children are with our creator. May you heal quickly, and go on to help others.©

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

HUMANE SOCIETY, call today, donate today

Thank you for your concern. Please contact your local Humane Society today, and ask them how similar situations can be avoided in your community. This should never happen when a family goes to adopt a new pet. What do we need to do to help the Humane Society do the work they are trying to do? Whatever we, as community members need to do, is what must be done to avoid this situation in the future. Do they need funding for tests in your community? Call today and ask what you can do to assist your local Humane Society, do not let this happen to another family. Let this experience matter, and take action to protect your community and render aid to your local Humane Society. They need our support, they are under funded, clearly and lack the resources they need if a situation like this could have happened in the first place. Make it your business to find out how you can help your local Humane Society, get involved today.

Do it for Princeton! Do it for Harvard! Do it for all of the little ones that, if they could speak would say, "Woof woof help the Humane Society help us in our adoption centers, they are trying to do the right thing, but they need your help, please call today!"©®


Till now, till this moment I had never questioned the work of the Humane Society. That is no longer the case, and I find myself in a most difficult position this morning, quite sad, where I must report the truth. The truth is that I recently adopted a lovely dog who I had to take to the hospital yesterday (three days after getting him) and learned that he was infected with the deadly Parvo Virus. The dog’s name is Princeton and before I continue this story I must ask that as you continue to read that you will pray for his welfare to be considered in this situation. He is at the VCA Hospital on Northern in Phoenix Arizona where he has been receiving fluids and antibiotics overnight, and I will discover this morning if there has been any improvement. There is a 50/50 chance for Princeton, that he will recover, and our family is holding him in prayer that he will recover and come home.

Sadly, there was another dog that we adopted at Christmas time; her name is Harvard, another lovely dog who has also now been exposed to the deadly virus. Harvard at this time has tested negative, but we are told that there is a two week incubation period so we are waiting to see what will happen with her.

I am, as I said very sad this morning for Princeton, and for Harvard who should have been able to rely upon the expertise of the staff at the Humane Society and never been endangered in this manner. I am sad because to test Princeton took ten minutes, and it would have taken them ten minutes to discover that he was infected with something that has now placed our family in this remarkably terrible situation. I am sad for the loss for the two animals this morning who should be romping around playing eating breakfast and fighting over toys. Instead, they are separated, one on IV fluids and one waiting to discover if she will become ill.

What is wrong with this situation is that we should be assured that people that are in the business of animals are not adopting animals to the community that are so sick that they themselves would not even treat. This dog required emergency medical attention, and while one can expect to have vet bills if one is going to have a pet, one should not expect to make the decision to keep a dog alive after a recent adoption of only three days, and then be placed in a situation where the other existing pet in the family is at risk. This is an outrage, and I am both angry and hurt, and sad.

I keep checking on Harvard, every minute she is still active is a blessing. I keep looking for the signs and symptoms and waiting for her to get ill. I am so devastated by this situation and can only report what I know, and what I know is that I would have preferred if someone sent a truckload of virus into my home and dumped it in my living room. At least I would have half a chance of protecting my pet from infection, and it would have been obvious. But this was a brutal invasion and I never saw it coming and once it hit, the response so far from the Humane Society has been ‘we don’t treat animals with Parvo”, and they go on to explain their exchange policy.

This is an animal, a pet, not a sweater I don’t want to exchange him; I want someone over there to consider the best interest of this little guy, and the other little one that is now waiting out her two week incubation period. Give me some ideas on how to keep the dog alive without going bankrupt, and forget about saving your face, but don’t give me your return policy. As far as I am concerned if they wanted to safe face, they should have considered that before adopting a sick dog out into the community, its too late for that, now is the time to live up to their name.

I am outraged as a puppy mom, as a community member, and as a long time supporter of the work of the Humane Society and believe that this situation demands that we as a community assist the Humane Society in changing this policy if they are going to serve our communities.

In other words; if the Humane Society is not going to treat animals that they have adopted out to families that turn up positive for this deadly virus then they damn sure should not be adopting these helpless animals out and placing their lives, and the lives of existing pets in the homes of families at risk. Would we tolerate any other act of cruelty to pets in our homes as a society, and would we not hold accountable any agency that endangered our pets, regardless of whom they are? Yes we would, and we would make sure that they paid dearly for their acts as well. Regardless of the good intentions of the Humane Society in general as an agency, something went terribly wrong in this situation, and this wrong can not be overlooked, and we can not afford the luxury of adhering to a policy now that prohibits the treatment of this disease on behalf of this animal now. If the Humane Society wanted to have this animal put to sleep it should have done so before it sent it home to our family. We are asking for the immediate review of this policy, and the prompt and swift action on the part of the Humane Society.

We request that any and all measures be taken to provide round the clock medical care for both of our pets that have been exposed to this deadly virus and that no expense be spared and that the best interest and the comfort of these animals remain the primary consideration. No alternative considerations will be considered and we fully expect a prompt and polite response absent of all rhetoric that is based in ignorant policy regarding the best interest of these animals.

For more information about this situation or for updates please call the Humane Society directly and voice your concerns, for these animals you can make a difference by contacting your local Humane Society or by contacting the location where this animal was adopted.©

Please Call TODAY!

Nancy Blabe at:

(602) 997-7586 ext. 1043


Tom Morgan

(602) 997-7585 ext 1045

Monday, April 16, 2007

bad boy scout, does anybody have more information?

A BAD BOY SCOUT or is there something really wrong?

I thought Boy Scouts were supposed to be against discrimination? Will someone please explain to me why the son of an former executive and current brother who is an acting executive with the boy scouts be so abusive and act so discriminatory towards a disabled woman and her child? I want everyone to explain what went wrong in this perfect boy scouts little life? Please write me if you know anything about the personal lives or private secrets that may explain the outrageous situation involving this very bad boy scout up here in Yavapai County. Anybody who knows anything about Bill Hofmann, Steve Hofmann Rob Hofmann or Doug Hofmann, or has had dealings involving abuse that included civil actions and the use of courts please contact me immediately. I have reason to believe that there may have been a history of some kind of abuse in this family, if you know anything about it, or if your child was a active member of the Circle Ten Boy Scouts in Dallas while Bill Hofmann was involved and you have information about his conduct that may explain what he is presently doing to his own child, then please contact me immediately. Or please Contact the Boy Scouts so that they can get this family the help that they have long since been in need of.


8605 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, TX 75235
Phone: (214) 902-6700

Or: send them to me here and I will forward them to the Boy Scouts.

Please if you have information come forward now.©

Friday, April 13, 2007

Rhonda Repp Judge or self Imposed GOD?

I don't know how it all happened, honestly how it all got so bad, and why it has stayed that way for so long.  I know that there is no way that it should be allowed to go on, and I am suffering.  I know that with every breath of life I have in me I must work day and night to inform the rest of the world how dangerous this woman is.  I don't know what else to do except to sit and rite, and hope that someone somewhere out there will find my words and know what to do with them.  I don't know how else to say it, I have tried to say it in so many ways, for seven years, and it keeps falling on deaf ears.  I fear that I will soon attend my own childs funeral because she has been forced to endure the last seven years of conflict without the profesional help every child deserves.  I don't know how it all happened, I don't know how to make other people aware except to just keep writting about the pain and the agony that has become our life.  I don't know how else to phrase it, what else to say, how to make it any clearer.  How much pain should one mother endure I have watched for seven years my child suffer needlessly, and I don't know what to say or to write to make it all better.  I know that I am so ashamed that I could not do better, and I know that this judgge should be ashamed for not being able to disfuse family conflict at least for the sake of the child and see to it that the childs needs are met- instead year after year I keep watching my child suffer in isolation.  I don't know does this Judge know she is a civil servant or does she think she is a GOD?  Is she a self imposed GOD that has taken my child as a sacrifice?  She is so bad for our family, and even my former husband who by his acts of selfish misdeeds has been able to get everything he has ask for has nothing to be glad for.  How can anyone of us look at ourself in a mirror and say we have done anything right by this child?  She has suffered more than anyone, and I can not understand why this judge will not leave this case- she has done nothing good for our family, at a time of tragedy and loss, and conflict when my daughter needed her parents the most, we were captured by the SELF IMPOSED GOD and Rhonda Repp has reined over our family in such ways as to damage our souls for eternity.  There is no way we might ever heal from the last seven years of ignorance and pain, and I am so very sad that my child had paid for the mistakes of us all.  If only one of us might have seen this comming, if only one of us might have ask for a new judge- oh wait, I think I did- yes I am sure that I did, yes I did!  Several times in fact I am sure of it.  But the self imposed God refused to leave, and instead of being of service to her community she has haunted us and tormented us with her mighty pen.  Please go away- let us heal, and let me manage my childs life- you have done enough harm!  Just leave- go be gone, with your bias about women with disabilities, take your ideas and leave me to guide my child.  Your harm is always in your wake.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


The rock turned on the computer today, and stared into the words on the page, stunned at the words looking back, she was aware that there are other rocks in the world like her.

She is here, crying, one sad tear, one long sad tear at a time.  Her eyes are filling with tears knowing that she is not alone on this journey, and that her journey has touched another person.

We celebrate ourself when we can look outside of our journey for a moment and lean onto another person for the validation we all need.  The rock, is not alone- she is being blessed tonight with the first of her new found network of support.

The rock sleeps,

The rock eats

The rock crys in silence

But the mother seeks and seeks to find the rushing waters that will cover her rock,

and carry it to the safe river bed, where she will rest and bask in loving honor of self

That is what mother is doing for her child, as she carries this message out into the world granting dignity to the voice of her muted child.

Sleep tonight my little dear, another woman has drawnnow near, with her we are stronger now, and together we can all seek more help out. 

This is the start of the end of your silence, suffer no more in silence my precious rock.

Help, is available, your network is near©

Monday, April 9, 2007












Out of respect for her loss I write this today.

can't hurt- in honnor of my daughter-

can't move

can't hurt

can't talk

I am a rock

I am a child who has been living in the care and custody of a parent who is abusing me

I am a rock

I am a rock

nothing hurts anymore, I stare and stare into the world and can not see anything that matters

anymore, I am a rock, weighed down with all of the shit that should have mattered to someone

I am a rock, I am a just a kid, I can't feel anything anymore- I am not even sad- it doesn't even hurt anymore when people leave or die around me- I am just a rock, my fish just died

and I am a rock©

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