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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

the perfect eve

like a child just looking out the wide window gave a clear view beutiful green leaves rain drops just kissed the flowers are so nice sun went away the darkness coming so gentle can't see the moon still look so pretty out here, in silence a beautiful dream dancing in my mind a soft voice of music. Sign in to see full entry.

Kimberly said so

I don't know what make Kimberly to act so mean, she was so jelous and angry at me when I received my email. I shouldn't have ever told her. Her eyes were furious and asked me are you going to get more money. I laughed at her and said that only a pizza party, she looked at me like as if I am gaining... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 21, 2006

It's Monday Morning, but I got a lot to finish

Hey feel like it a Thursday because too much to finish before I start for this week, I got to catch up a lot of work and sure I will return this evening. Until then wish you all beautiful day. Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

simple pleasures

simple pleasures which I hold I share only with some one too close walk in the evening dance on my kitchen sing along with the radio. I will never share with anyone except my dearest ones these are my own and I hold on to them. look at my plants and called them daughters share a laugh with them... Sign in to see full entry.

Hey, I am very proud of her, but I won't say to her, honestly I am...

Something makes me happy today, my little sister in law is back to school. Hey when it comes to her, I am totally different person. There are bunch of reasons. First of all we never had a kind of same wave length, so our interests differs and it was very clear at always. So had a distance, though I... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Thunder and lightning

all these hot summer days ending with some thunder and lightning scares me like a baby makes me worry as if I am in front of a snake hey somethings will always scare you no matter how old or how big you are a thunder fears my heart with it's shiny lights so let me say good night before I get more... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Life with a bunch of boys

It's so cool to be with bunch of boys, in fact all my life spend with a lot of boys. It's really nerve wrecking at times, but I got a way now. It used to be too hard at the begining, all want me to do the work, but I learned well now. Let them do all work, and sit tight and enjoy. Here, listen... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I can't say that I am lost

Is this forever that I am in such a lovely mood All because of these songs, I can't believe how many times I played it All because I missed you Is this forever? Is this forever? Early evenings I used to listen to you And before night, you used to play that song Until your sister gets there, then she... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Spend a night at Kitaren

Spend a night at Kitaren Just listening your tune The lyrics were so beautiful And all five moons were so awesome One more day if you are free Let us be there together Spend a night at Kitaren Listened to you all I want If we ever get another chance Will you sing deep as you do Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Moving to Kitaren

When I get myself together, Moving to Kitaren to live with you You could sing all those songs of love Let me look at those five moons at same When I get myself together Can we stay in Kitaren Can we stare at ARA, thelargest moon The sphire flight can listen to your song Cara, the gold slumber can... Sign in to see full entry.

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