tales from the murky splurge

By spiderfly - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

inside the shell is very dark

He handed me this blueprint and i spread it across the ground it was amazing full of goals ambitions each one golden but how could i have read the smallprint who was there to say because to read them would make the wind would just blow your dreams away There is not room in one life for perfect... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

the dragon heard the sound that day but mentioned it not to frog she waited incase he may just say about the sound but he did not But yes it filled his weary limbs he head was fit to explode but chained was he with the dragons green eyes so not an emotion was showed so all the murky splurge took... Sign in to see full entry.

butterfly ball contd...

the crab of wisdom heard it first like a fire glowing humming sound her eyes blinked twice then twice again she buried herself sinking underground two eyes opened as day spread forth the light we breath to gain our force, the flickers sent by a maidens magic to sweep the path of words spoken tragic... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 26, 2009

INSPIRATION I am on rock bottom with actions but words are flowing. I am soon off on a long drive to France. Need to decide how the ending to Butterfly Ball will pan out. Will the frog make it. It is already written he will get there, but will he get there before his dream disappears and the sun... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

opinions needed here

I am taking part in a weekly local tv show where a group of us sit round a dining table and discuss and share opinions. We are given topics to discuss and could do with some more ideas, here are some we have already discussed Cosmetic surgery health or vanity Internet dating, does it work or are... Sign in to see full entry.

butterfly ball contd...

twas in the murky grassy splurge that mixed up verses and words converge between the lines doth truth reside reality was where his feelings hide his cries for help from spider show but heart strings pull therein to glow remains her loyalty to her friend this love is clear and cannot end she tried to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

true love forever never lost or forgotten and in the stars

Once we landed amongst this green and amicable terrain holding hands we breathed our new found freedom you walked and took strides showing your smile like a child with a new toy we giggled on the hillside at the world below with stresses and tiresome drudgery, soon will they wake and say hang on... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I cannot write for you please understand You have thrown the balance of true words so do i write innuendoes with sharp edges and now i write on egg shells your emotions wind me and I only wish you open your heart and see maybe trust an instinct a loose thread truly look for goodness I cannot write... Sign in to see full entry.

This goddess stand on hallowed earth wherein the roots have twists and anchors she cannot move and smiles with stone and there she stands in time alone the goddess sheds a tear or two because of time thats lost and adrift it floats on air caught up in twine too tangled in the web of time now soft... Sign in to see full entry.

good morning and how are you today. I want to talk about children and how important they are. My one rule is, if you choose to be a parent then be one. Put them first above all your desires and they will stay precious. You owe them security, love, patience and understanding even though they may hate... Sign in to see full entry.

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