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Friday, May 1, 2020

Lockout -Most Ripe Time for Soul Harvest

Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam Lockout -Most Ripe Time for Soul Harvest Kind Attention Believers and Servants of God! God is giving a gap between now and the day of Rapture for us to prepare ourselves in our own spiritual life and to reach out to as many people as possible. God is giving us an... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Values and Lifestyle

Values and Lifestyle Prof. Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam What we are is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God. What Lies Behind us and what Lies Before us are Tiny Matters compared to what Lies Within us - Oliver Wendell When we have Nothing Left but God, we discover, God is more than... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

When Corona will be over - Understanding the Silence of God

Understanding the Silence of God By Prof. Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam Do you have unfulfilled expectations? Is there an unmet need in your life? Perhaps your dreams and visions to have a perfect family, career, or lifestyle have not yet become a reality. How Long O Lord? “How long, O Lord, will I call... Sign in to see full entry.

Values and Lifestyle

Values and Lifestyle Prof. Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam What we are is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God. What Lies Behind us and what Lies Before us are Tiny Matters compared to what Lies Within us - Oliver Wendell When we have Nothing Left but God, we discover, God is more than... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Quantum Relationship of Husband and Wife By Prof. Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam Marriage is a partnership, a union of two people committed to each other. In a husband and wife relationship the wife should submit to the husband. More than submission, it is subjection. Subjection should be out of... Sign in to see full entry.

The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End By Prof Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam We follow solar system, but Israel follows lunar system, so according to Israel, on 21 st September 2017 we have crossed 5777 and entered into 5778. 777 represents grace period and now it is over. So Israel has entered into 778 that is their... Sign in to see full entry.

The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End By Prof Dr. Chandrakumar Manickam We follow solar system, but Israel follows lunar system, so according to Israel, on 21 st September 2017 we have crossed 5777 and entered into 5778. 777 represents grace period and now it is over. So Israel has entered into 778 that is their... Sign in to see full entry.

As in the Days of Noah!

] As in the Days of Noah! In Noah’s family, not even one was lost. Have you prepared your own Ark to protect and take care that every one of your family members would be taken up at the Rapture? What was the secret of Noah? - He not only had Faith but Feared God like Job. Genuine fear of the Lord is... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Five Magic Words Of Communication in Marriage

Five Magic Words Of Communication in Marriage In the initial years of marriage there can be a great deal of communication breakdown. Temperament plays a vital role at this stage. Both the spouses start showing their true colors. Here it is very essential that one should pray for a spirit controlled... Sign in to see full entry.

Who are you? where are you going?

Who are you? where are you going? Two drunken soldiers were walking towards the captain’s room. One of them asked the other, “Where are we going?” “I don’t know” was the reply. When they came close to the captain’s room, they saw him standing outside. Since they could not recognize him they did not... Sign in to see full entry.

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