Be Fit!: It's the beginning of another week and time to give it another shot

By SuccessWarrior - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Health & Fitness

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's the beginning of another week and time to give it another shot

My son, Trey, and I went for our walk today. I think the weather has officially changed for the better. It has been in the 80's for the last few days and is supposed to continue in that fashion for the next few days. We get our walk/run in, first thing in the morning when it's cooler. Today starts... Sign in to see full entry.

Previous: This week is not going well for my exercising goals - New Entries - Next: Today was weigh day and I think my scale must be broken. =)

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