patmanplus poems

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

gods lie (patman song lyric)

got to succed-there is no end to greed in-sa-tia-ble-i i got to feed i got to grow-i got to know and know and know of knowledge-there's always more you need to know YOU REALLY JUST NEED TO KNO-O-OW THERE REALLY IS NO PLACE TO GO THERE REALLY IS NOTHING MISSING ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW I'M GONNA... Sign in to see full entry.

WAKE UP (patman song lyric)

Well i woke up today had nothin' to say Cause no matter what i do things don't go my way- wanna go back to bed maybe have a good dream maybe find true love or so it will seem. i was flappin' my arms i was gettin' pretty high nobody seemed surprised that i knew how to fly- i just kept on flyin' till... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Concerning my July 19th blog

New answer to Offy's question. If a can of Campbell's soup can be pop art that post can be punk poetry. Ok, i've got 2 positive responses, up from 0 on my 2nd post on 7/17. i was having trouble with zero. Isn't that understandable? Near the end of my blog on 7/16 it says women cheat as often as men.... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Punk Poetry

ALL POETRY NEEDS TO BE FUCKED UP THE ASS! Except poetry that makes sense and is compassionate. EGOISTS need not apply. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Not the letter, the word, a. i remember when i was in bible college, sitting in the auditorium at night when hardly anyone was there; meditating. i don't remember where i learned it, but i know now it's kind of a Hindu meditation where every time you begin to think, you say this chosen word or... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

True Light

Your silence has become my only solace i await its arrival. i need to escape from this hell and go back to my familiar purgatory. Let this fire purge me of all impurities let it mold me into a useful vessel, of love. Love can conquer hatred but only by a great effort. Light is love and light shines... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


i'm gonna try to be ept tonight because if i'm not ept i'll be inept And i don't wanna be inept i wanna be ept. i'm gonna do a poem, actually, it's not a poem i'm gonna do a zen koan. Actually it's not a koan it's just zen. Actually, it's not zen it's pseudo-zen. Zen has been popular in our culture... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 13, 2007


In the space between were nothing becomes something and something becomes nothing, is nothing. How could it be otherwise? But nothing is something. So is everything nothing? Yes! And yet nothing contains everything at least potentially. And nothing is missing. And nothing is ever really lost. i just... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


There is no pain greater than that which happens for no reason. To suffer for no reason HURTS THE MOST! If you are suffering for a reason and people know you are... then you have hope. If you are suffering for no reason YOU HAVE NO HOPE! Get it!? If i could die on a cross and save the world I WOULD... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Clowns are failures that act like everything's OK. Everything worth owning is free. Abuse continues there is no escape even for a male it's the same as rape. i saw an episode of Survivor on the sci-fi channel the other night AND EVERYONE COMMITED SUICIDE! (they were all intelligent too. Odd that)... Sign in to see full entry.

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