About Sudanym_

 See my Member Profile

About Me
i'm complex, atypical, hyper-sensitive and hyper-creative. i seem to have more problems than i can handle in one lifetime. i'm crazy in a harmless way. i am considerate, and i have been told that i'm a kind person.
i'm into song writing, poetry writing, health food, and drinking too much. Um, let me think a second...oh yea, and i'm a laugh riot!



United States
Primary occupation:
common slave
Dream occupation:
upstate N Y
Schools attended:
School of hard knocks (undergraduate)
I like:
not being depressed
Favorite writers:
me and 99 others in reverse order, (hey i made the top 100!)
Favorite newspapers:
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Alt. Rock...but Green Day sucks! Also classical and almost anything...um, NOT GREEN DAY!
Favorite movies:
The Doors, East Of Eden, Of Mice And Men
Favorite TV shows:
Whose Line is It Anyway, Seinfield, The Fugitive
Favorite teams:
The Losers...Go losers go!
Favorite quote:
"The more you know, the more you know you don't know anything."
Buddhist or i dunno