Orcalion: Life is A Learning Process for Saturday, January 12, 2008

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 6)

For a few nights I kept waking up in the middle of the night feeling restless, although without any bad dreams or tears. I slept but didn’t feel refreshed.. After a few days, I started remembering the bombing at the Embassy. I remembered the day, I remembered the people who were with me during the... Sign in to see full entry.

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 5)

At the end of January 2005, I finally left Jakarta and flew to Oman (where my husband was working for a telecommunication company). Almost five months after the explosion. I was glad that I finally could be away from the bad memory, at least for some time, to have a fresh start in life.. However,... Sign in to see full entry.

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 4)

After about three days, whether because of tiredness of the mind-torture or the unwillingness to be stranded in the condition, I decided to pull the strength to change the TV channel, as soon as the station started to show re-runs of the bombing. I still follow the newsbreak on police investigation,... Sign in to see full entry.

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 3)

As soon as I arrived home, all TV stations were reporting about the bombing, and showing the situation in front of the Embassy right after the bomb exploded (A TV station is located right across the Embassy, so that they could get the pictures right from the second the bomb exploded). It was really... Sign in to see full entry.

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 2)

That morning, 9 September 2004, I arrived at work still feeling a bit drowsy from the flu tablets, but everything else was nice and good. I met the Minister, and we planned to discuss things in detail after the morning routines were all done. But it never happened.. At least until the following... Sign in to see full entry.

Learning to Live with A Bad Memory.. (part 1)

Everyone has a bad memory, and I do believe that time heals.. or at least, helps to ease it. But, sometimes, it is only after a long time we realise how bad the memory left a mark in us.. This will be the first time, I can finally share this to many people, hoping it can help me cope better in the... Sign in to see full entry.

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