Saturday, February 14, 2009
So, I decided it would be fun to tell you all why I am currently stuck inside my wardrobe with my little brother Rory, our iPods and the laptop. Well, pretty much, out evening is completely SCREWED. I dont know if I ever told you that my mom LOVES to make friends and most of them are all these poor... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, February 6, 2009
A long, long week
So, I struck lucky this week and got four out of five days off again (i got four outta five the week before last week to) Because of the worst snowfall in 18 years. As you can imagine, this week was highly enjoyable for me, apart from the one day at school which happened to be a wednesday-one of the... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My experience with one of seven deadly sins
So, I was home again today, and me and rory decided to have a run around in the snow. However, I got started on making a huge snowball. Except rory left me to push it round by myself. I spent an hour pushing it around the snow until it was half my size, at least seven times my weight and impossible... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Surviving mortal combat of the snowballs
So, here in britain, the snow was still pretty thick from the mega blizzard, and this is potentially DANGEROUS in my high school. See, with all these maniacs around, you dont know when your gonna get blasted. Well, good for me, I have lots of practice, but the training is FUTILE in snow wars. So,... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Disadvantage to a day off #1
Well, the worst snowstorm britain has had in 18 years came through for me and rory and both of our schools were shut today as well. Now as lucky this seems, it wasnt that particularly lucky at all. Because mom wanted to drag me and Rory round to her dopey friends house for a mother's meeting. "They... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Never EVER let parents pick your meals
So, after a day enjoying myself at home (due to the snow down) dad decided he wanted somethin to eat. Normally, he'd just shove some crud in the oven. But recently, he's been on a takeaway binge. I mean, its like we have a takeaway every three days now (though we're all meant to be on diets.) On... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Try to run away with the gypsy woman...Wait a minute-I cant run!
Yeah, odd title. You should remember I told you I am almost pure bred gypsy (if mom and dad hadnt ruined the chain) and needless to say, discovering my hidden heritage led to a strange fascination. And eventually ran into a song called 'Gypsy Woman.' Anyways, its been stuck on my for weeks, and... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What is their problem?!
have you ever noticed your parents just wont leave you alone at the WORST times? And they keep nagging at you again and again and again? And its usually when your in a rotten mood too. Yep, I have this. Its like playing twenty questions when your in a super bad mood. And god does it get on my... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, January 26, 2009
iPod speakers-harmless machine or destroyer of worlds?
Some of you may recall I recieved an iPod speaker machine for christmas. And, you may also remember, I was really jazzed (cant let go of that word now) However, it seems that thing is NOT the harmless yet super awesome machine we thought it was. Considering it was a cheapo version (god knows where... Sign in to see full entry.
Dance with the wolves or DANCING, HERE WE COME!
Soo, We're doing dance in P.E currently, and I was bored out my mind with the dopey jazz songs we were forced to study. Not to mention I broke down laughing about twice (me and Leila can't help ourselves) and even though we have a full dance, we cant help but burst out laughing (I had a majour fit... Sign in to see full entry.