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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Point of change.

I took a walk this morning across the hillside. There is a practically winding part of the hill, which catches my attention. The main reason is that it was on this spot back in 2006 that I stood and wondered what the future would bring. The change it brought about was for me to go and work in Morrisons. Now I can feel the winds of change coming about again, and I wanted to capture some of that once again. That part of the hillside is very old. It’s never been built on and some of it has never... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Three weeks ago I invested $55 in Rev Ads Network. As of today, I’ve now made $27 profit from it. Move the decimal places and you can see how much this can make. Everyone says that these High Yield Investment Programmes, are a gamble. Not everyone will make as much money, and there is the chance that you will wake up and find all the money gone. The was another programme called Ad hits profit which just went through a traumatic time, in that a guy in Singapore tried to blitz the system with... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Guilty about enjoying myself

Now I’m on a 2 week holiday, I can’t wind down from it all. This is not just any holiday period from the supermarket, because over the next few days, I want to prove to myself that I have the ability to make enough money to leave. To that end, it’s hardly a holiday, well not the sort other people have. Where they sit on a beach all day and top themselves up with alcohol. I can’t rest and that worries me. For the first couple of days, I shall simply watch TV and takes walks. But that won’t be... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Living with a threat.

Have you ever had a job where you were afraid to walk around the corner, because your boss would be waiting for you? And waiting to make your life a misery? That’s what it’s like working at Morrisons. You wait for every minute of the day for something bad to happen. The door could fly open and in they come to give you the most stupid order, which cannot be carried out. Or make things so confusing, you know it will all fail. Your only hope is to threat to withdraw your labour. So you have to wear... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Giving up work

One week to go before I’m on holiday, and things feel strange. Either way, I want to be out of Morrisons, even if I have to take another dead end job. But something tells me I will be up and running with the Rev share sites long before that. I have worked out that if I gamble the minimum risk of £1,500, between 4 programmes, I can make £150 a week. Which is not far behind what Morrisons are paying me any way. Plus it’s enough to pay the bills. And I still have most of my savings left in the bank... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Money situation.

Up till now, I’m making $0.55 a day from my investment. The dilemma is that I’m tempted to cash in all my savings and throw the lot into the site. This would return me enough money to pay a weekly wage, but it would mean risking the whole investment. So should I split the money between several sites, or keep some back and be grateful that I have at least a modest income? The sort of money I have to play around with is £3,000. But once I dip into it for day to day living, it’s gone for ever.... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Networking and traffic.

I’ve always agonized over how to get people to look at my stuff. Whether it’s here, just to read my blog, my websites, or the things I’ve built to make money. It’s all about traffic. The truth is, that you have to throw a very wide net just pull in a tiny catch. Even the big boys struggle to land a handful of people, and they have got to sweat blood to get people to gamble their money. I’ve seen videos where you have to throw a months wages at it, to get even a dozen people. When I looked at my... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rev Ads!

Rev Ads! This site has paid me $1.20 for an investment of $50 in 48 hours. There is nowhere on the whole net which can deliver that. I’ve studied gambling and even horse racing can’t deliver that in such a cast iron way. The danger is, that the big boys will muscle in and flood it with stock market money. If you invest $1,000 and get a return of $1,500 in as little as 3 months, what’s stopping them pouring tens of millions into it? It could pay off the national debt, with returns like that. So... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Money!

Yesterday I actually earned 20 cents from my Rev adds network account. Overnight it made 1%, and it rumoured to make 0ver 50% by the end of the week. If there is anything on the net which can match this, I’d like to hear of it. Sure the big sticking point is traffic. You can’t make any real money unless you have people sign up under you. So I will have to buy traffic to make it work. But this gives me real hope, at a time when things are a little dark. Steve Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


This month I actually got paid $11 from Blogit! The most money I’ve ever earned from anything on the net. But it’s not enough, and I want to find ways of making a living on-line and quit the supermarket. Team Vinh and Savings Highway are too long term. It turns out now, that it might be about the Autumn by the time I get any money out of them. There are people who have been on it since Christmas who have not made any money from it. Since then I’ve been in touch with a guy on the Team Vinh... Sign in to see full entry.

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