My Soap Box for Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fun at the book store.

See Dick and Jane. See Spot run. Look out for the car Spot! Oh, oh, oh, now Spot is splat. I’ll admit, that isn’t a real Dick and Jane book but when you hear about the one I saw in a bookstore, you might wish it was. There, on the shelves were the favorites, Fun with Dick and Jane, Fun with our... Sign in to see full entry.

Bomber arrested...

The MLK Day bomber has been arrested near Colville, WA. 36 year old Kevin Harpham has been identified as the person arrested this morning in conjunction with the attempted bombing of a unity parade this last MLK Day. This will probably make the national news so lots of information will be out there.... Sign in to see full entry.

Arrests made in Spokane, WA MLK bomb attemt

The breaking news here is the arrest of a suspect in the MLK day backpack bomb found in Spokane along the MLK day parade route. According to FBI reports cited by the Seattle Times, the bomb contained lead pellets coated with rat poison and was designed to do maximum damage to people had it gone off.... Sign in to see full entry.

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