Tuesday, July 21, 2020
What is the relationship between love and beauty? Love creates only beauty All that Love creates is beautiful Beauty is the expression of Love Music is the Highest Expression of Love Music has multiple layers of beauty Beauty contains the praises of Creator In Silence, Sound is born Creation is a fine, beautiful tapestry of perfection Joy is the emotion of beauty Peace is its kernel Life is Beauty in motion Breath is Beauty's brush, pigment, and canvass Life is born on this delicate breath... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Why Would One Choose Fear Over Love?
Why Would One Choose Fear Over Love? Let me list the reasons why: Childhood trauma linking being loved the fear state. Parents who disciplined by reason and fear. Dark Night of the Soul Broken Heart Love betrayed. Any Unresolved Fear. An Unresolved Death of a Loved One An Addiction Imprisonment of the Soul Death Fears A Sudden and Un-Integrated Experience of God A Friend's Betrayal Love is the healing medicine. Love covers a multitude of sin. Love wants not, needs nothing, gives freely, gives... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I am Back
I am back! Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Joining the Celebration in DC
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Confronting Injustice in the workplace
This is a journal of my efforts to change an exploitive company policy. The names will be changed, but the details of this story could easily 'out' the parties involved. To protect everyone, I will now claim a novelist's license with some of the details and my attribution of personalities to the characters involved. I will call the comany EYE, Exploiting You Easy, Inc. I chose this name not out of vindictive judgement, but more descriptive observation. When the law fails to protect; and, while... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
When the choice between love and fear becomes muddied, it is time to ...
STEP BACK! We are all humans so we all know fear, but just because it is so familiar, it does not necessarily follow that it would be too risky to try another way. This is especially true on the corporate level. It is time to stop claiming to be a Christian Nation when we refuse as a Nation to follow the teaching and counsel of the Christed One. If you do not get this, leave me a comment. If you do, leave me a message I am taking an informal survey of my Blogit readership. Thanks Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Iraq Solution © 2006 Noospherecomm
The Iraq Solution © 2006 Noospherecomm Introduction: What this Country Needs is a Gentle Revolution of the Heart Our government needs our help. It is lost in a quagmire of its own sophistication. The weight of its own web is blinding our leaders to obvious and simple Truth. We call ourselves a Christian Nation, but we operate with the vision and tools of Mammon. The Bible says you cannot serve both God and Mammon at the same time. It is time to choose, America. Whom will you serve? As for me and... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
How did the current administration become such experts in selling fear???
Remember that in any given moment, a human being has a choice between fear and love! Choosing fear is often the easiest path. Choosing fear is often disguised as patriotism, practicality, even wisdom. But it never is! It is always a choice for less than Truth, less than the Highest. Gandhi knew this and used love to help the British to choose to leave India as an independent and sovereign nation. Martin Luther King used this awareness to actually change the hearts of millions of Americans. Now,... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Facing the Fear of silence leads us to Love
In Silence For one brief moment I paused in the sacred space of silence. This is a new country and I have no map. Love told me that this was the way home. So with some fear and trembling, I tarried here in this silent sanctuary. Joy unspeakable, life unmade Calls me now to be my Truth. "Be still, and know that I am God." Learn to turn and whirl around this stillpoint, This center of Unity and Being. This is your call; This is your honor. Shamsuddin says, "Nothing, I dare not speak!" Your Silence... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, October 16, 2006
When fear disguises itself as patriotism
God will not be mocked! Americans who want to support our troops by bringing them home and NEVER sending them out again on missions of violence except to directly defend our nation, are not unpatriotic! To envision a world where there is no longer war anywhere is not a naive pipe dream. This IS the world that is inevitably coming. It IS the next stage of human evolution! IF, We don't destroy ourselves and the planet first. Who is my brother? Who is my neighbor that I am commanded by no less than... Sign in to see full entry.